Fire Damage Tips
8/25/2021 (Permalink)
In Southern California, we are known to have summer temperatures all year round which makes it common for fires to break out. A house can easily catch fire for a number of different reasons but they can be easily avoided if you take the right measures. Below are some of the most common causes of house fires, and some tips to prevent them.
- Cooking – Almost 50% of all accidental house fires are cooking related. Pots and pans can easily overheat and cause a fire if the person cooking leaves cooking unattended. Always make sure there is someone in the room while the stove is on.
- Heating - Keep portable heaters at least three feet away from anything that could easily catch fire such as furniture, curtains, clothes and even yourself. If you have a furnace, get it inspected once a year to make sure it is working to safety standards.
- Electrical Malfunction – Fires that are the result of electrical hazards occur in homes with inadequate wiring. Some signs to see if you’ve bad wiring are: 1) Lights dim if you use another appliance; 2) For an appliance to work, you have to disconnect another; 3) Fuses blow or trip the circuit frequently. If you have any doubts or concerns about your electric wiring, call your landlord immediately or have a licensed electrician come and inspect you house.
- Open Flame - Candles look and smell nice, but if they are left unattended they can cause a room to burst into flames. Keep candles away from any obviously flammable items such as books and tissue boxes. Always blow a candle out before leaving a room.
- Faulty Appliances - An electrical appliance, such as a toaster can start a fire if it is faulty or has a frayed cord. A power source that is overloaded with one or more adapter plug can cause a fire from an overuse of electricity. An extension cord can also be a fire hazard if not used appropriately. Remember to unplug all appliances that are not in use.
Most of house fires are unintentional but taking precautions can help you avoid a fire in your home and ensure the safety of your family. However if any accidents do occur, don’t hesitate to call SERVPRO of Alhambra at 626-283-5875 to help you with all of your fire damage needs.
For more fire statistics in the United States, visit