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2024 Trends in Commercial Property Management

1/4/2024 (Permalink)

Trends in Commercial property management. A commercial building. Stay ahead of the curve with 2024's Commercial Property Management Trends

Commercial property managers have had their hands full over the past few years, responding to the pandemic and all the resulting changes. In 2024, as the commercial property rental landscape continues to evolve and adapt, property managers can take proactive steps to find and take advantage of the opportunities within these challenges.

The dynamics of the economy, changing tenant expectations, and continual technology innovations have combined to create a profound transformation in commercial real estate. Innovation and adaptation are the friends of commercial property managers, and the following points discuss some of the trends to look for in 2024.

Advancements in Technology and Automation

Technology for Tenants

As people shop online more and package stealers continue proliferating, many properties have added smart-locker storage for tenants to receive their packages safely. This trend is expected to grow, and tenants will look for additional technology integration, such as SMS notifications and other tech-related options that enhance their convenience.

Keyless entry is another growing trend that tenants appreciate. More commercial properties offer digital amenities like free WiFi and 5G integration, and this trend is expected to continue. For areas where theft is an issue, video doorbells and security cameras can set your property apart. Landlords and property managers can also use security cameras to manage and monitor the property around the clock remotely.

Operational Software

Operating commercial properties involves many moving parts, and commercial property management trends in 2024 will continue to emphasize automating, streamlining, and improving workflows with SaaS and cloud-based software platforms. Cloud-based property management software connects operational teams online, increases effective communication, and offers tenant portals for more efficient repair requests and other tenant needs.

Managing properties using virtual tools such as Zoom interviews or property tours is becoming a norm, and integrating AI and IoT will continue to grow. IoT, or Internet of Things, refers to tools that typically use WiFi or Bluetooth to automate activities. Property managers are implementing IoT tools such as automated or smart lighting, smart laundry, smart locks, automated lawn care, and smart temperature control.

AI will enhance property management by refining processes such as more personalized tenant experiences where AI anticipates tenant needs and preferences. Property management software may also use AI to improve virtual property tours to help tenants more effectively imagine themselves in the unit. AI tools may offer insights that drive coordinated smart building systems, such as assisting in adapting their operation to environmental conditions based on the property’s occupancy patterns. These adjustments can save on energy consumption and other resources while reducing costs.

Continued Evolution of Tenant Preferences and Market Dynamics

More Multifamily Units

The rents for multifamily units often cost less than those for single-family dwellings, driving increased demand for additional multifamily units. Renters are also migrating to states with lower taxes, and while they want the lower rents of a multifamily unit, they also want more spacious homes with additional amenities. Tenants for all types of rental properties also demand more services and amenities in exchange for the rising cost of rent, including high-speed internet, in-unit washers/dryers, and HVAC.

More Property Management Services

Demand for more professional property management services should continue to increase in 2024. Tenants expect and desire the expertise of knowledgeable management, especially when dealing with property repairs, disputes, and other issues in multi-unit settings. Tenants also demand the technological tools often provided by professional property management, such as online portals for repairs, questions and issues, and the ability to pay their rent online.

Commercial property management trends in 2024 also emphasize using tools like improved and streamlined tenant screening processes and advertising available units on multiple platforms, including social media.

Updating Business Strategies and Addressing Economic Factors

Managing Costs to Improve Profit

In 2024, commercial property managers will benefit from prioritizing profitability while keeping costs under more strict control. Acquiring new properties can increase revenue and profits through operational synergies. In contrast, new services like outsourcing to high-quality vendors such as a reliable restoration company can save on labor costs and keep properties in tip-top shape to command improved rents. Adopting technology such as specialized property management software can also reduce labor costs by automating some of the back-office administrative work of property management.

Considering Economic Factors

During rising inflation, property managers must constantly monitor and reduce costs wherever possible. Additionally, the new year is a great time to focus on scaling up the business by implementing growth-hacking strategies and considering refinancing options to take advantage of potential federal interest rate cuts.

For 2024, although there is no guarantee, sources predict the Fed will continue to reduce mortgage interest rates. Savvy property managers and owners will poise themselves to refinance more expensive loans and leverage the increased value and higher equity in existing properties to make additional investments. Lower interest rates often stimulate economic activity, which may create opportunities to improve occupancy rates and achieve higher rents, especially if the rental market remains tight.

Political and Regulatory Challenges

Taxes (and Other Costs) Go Up While Loopholes Disappear

Commercial property management trends in 2024 include strategies to offset the effects of rising taxes and closing financial loopholes for commercial property landlords. Property managers can expect changes such as government measures attempting to capture more real estate-related revenues. Governments may pressure property managers and landlords to lower or normalize rents to aid housing crises in higher-priced housing markets.

Additionally, landlord insurance for rental properties is undergoing changes that affect tenant evictions and other issues while becoming more costly. Commercial property managers can potentially lower the cost of the policy by increasing the deductible, prioritizing as many safety features on the property as possible, and requiring renters to carry renter’s insurance. Safety features include updates like carbon monoxide sensors, tankless water heaters, and fire-resistant roof coverings.

Political Motivations

Politicians may focus on a growing homelessness problem and the lack of affordable rents in many areas. Leading up to the 2024 election, some politicians may highlight a need to enforce regulatory compliance among landlords and property managers as part of their platform.

A Consolidating Industry

The entry of large corporate property management companies may challenge independent or smaller property management firms. Sometimes, these larger companies have more extensive resources to provide cost-effective services, increased marketing resources, and value-added options such as financial reporting for multi-unit properties or property portfolios. These firms may also offer lead-generation services and additional brand-building for properties under their management.

Win by Staying Ahead of the Changes

Successfully navigating the changing climate of commercial property management relies on property managers recognizing trends and proactively embracing and managing them. While preparing to take your properties into 2024, consider these trends and how to extract opportunities from them to improve and grow your business.

From integrating technology that automates operational work and provides additional tenant amenities to anticipating and staying ahead of economic shifts, vigilance is critical. Reducing costs by outsourcing work to commercial restoration services and other third parties is one of many strategies that can help you leverage innovation and position your business to handle the changing landscape in property management more effectively.

Stay agile and informed; the coming year of challenges and opportunities will reward your property management business with success and prosperity. At SERVPRO of Alhambra, we can help you with water damage cleanup, mold remediation, cleanup from fire and other damage, and general cleanup. Call us today at (626) 283-5875!

Insurance Coordination

12/12/2023 (Permalink)

Women talking on the phone Our general manager, Amy Moufarrege, discussing claims with insurance adjusters.

SERVPRO of Alhambra works closely with insurance companies to streamline the claims process for our clients. We assist in documenting the damage, providing accurate estimates, and communicating with your insurance provider to ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience. Our goal is to alleviate your concerns and make the restoration process as seamless as possible.


12/11/2023 (Permalink)

We're issuing monthly newsletters for our fans (pun intended!) to stay up to date with our latest events, jobs, and blogs. 

Here in this August Newsletter, you will be able to read up on a special employee of the month, find out what they do and how they help make the dream work.

You will also learn about some of the bigger jobs we've completed for the month of August. 

Keep reading and our marketing team is featured on what they've been doing to keep the company active!

Click the link below to be redirected to our Newsletter! 

See what we've been up to!

Winter Prep: Get Your Place Cozy and Winter-Ready, with a Dash of Fire Safety

12/5/2023 (Permalink)

Hey homeowners and property champs! Winter is knocking, and it's time to give your place some love to make sure it stays warm, snug, and safe. Whether you're chilling at home or running a business, here's a laid-back guide to help you prep your spot for the winter chill.

  1. Seal Those Drafts: Time to play detective! Check for sneaky gaps around windows and doors – the kind that lets cold air crash your cozy party. Grab some weatherstripping or caulking and patch those gaps up. Your heating bill will thank you later!

  2. Warm-Up Your HVAC: Give your heating system some TLC. Change those air filters, make sure there are no leaks, and check if the thermostat is in tip-top shape. A little heating system pampering now can save you from icy surprises later.

  3. Pipes Need Hugs Too: No one likes frozen pipes. Wrap 'em up in insulation, especially in those chilly spots like basements and attics. And don't forget to say goodbye to outdoor hoses – they need a winter break too.

  4. Gutter Cleanup Party: Grab a ladder and clean out those gutters! Leaves and gunk can turn into icy trouble if you leave them hanging around. Make sure water flows smoothly, so you don't end up with a surprise waterfall on your doorstep.

  5. Roof Check-Up: Give your roof some love – it's the unsung hero that keeps you dry. Check for missing or wonky shingles and patch 'em up. If you're not feeling adventurous, call in the pros for a roof date.

  6. Landscaping TLC: Trim those wild branches and trees that could turn into winter troublemakers. Cover up delicate plants or give them a winter vacay indoors. Your green pals will thank you come spring.

  7. Chimney Check for Fire Safety: If you're lucky enough to have a fireplace, give that chimney some attention. Get it cleaned and inspected by a professional chimney sweep to avoid potential fire hazards. Stock up on quality firewood, and enjoy cozy evenings by the fire without worry.

  8. Call Us for Peace of Mind: Feeling overwhelmed? We've got your back! Call us for any questions or concerns you may have. Our experts will ensure your home or commercial space is winter-ready, so you can relax and enjoy the season worry-free.

  9. Emergency Kit Vibes: Put together a cool emergency kit – flashlights, batteries, blankets, and snacks. Just in case winter throws a curveball, you'll be ready for anything. Share the emergency plan with your crew so everyone's on the same snow-covered page.

Wrap it up, folks! With a bit of prep and our help, you'll be sipping cocoa in your winter wonderland, worry-free and safely warming up by the fire. Cheers to a cozy and stress-free winter! ?????


We Stand with Lahaina: A Community’s Generosity Crosses the Pacific

10/30/2023 (Permalink)

Collage of donation drive photos from beginning to end, including the flyer shared to the community. This is a photo collage on top of the flyer that sparked a wave of donations to flow into our warehouse, which were then packed and shipped to Maui.

In the wake of natural disasters, the resilience of the human spirit often shines the brightest. The devastating wildfires that tore through Lahaina, Maui, in August 2023 were a heartbreaking reminder of nature’s unpredictable wrath. But as Lahaina faced the aftermath, over 2,400 miles away in Los Angeles, a beacon of hope was being kindled.

Community Comes Together

For many, watching the news coverage of the Lahaina wildfires evoked a profound sense of sorrow and helplessness. However, our team here at SERVPRO of Arcadia, Alhambra, and Pasadena North, it ignited a fervent determination to lend a helping hand. Recognizing the urgent need for support, the team mobilized the community in Los Angeles with a clarion call to action: a donation drive throughout September.

From LA to Lahaina: Shipping Love and Support

The response was overwhelming. Families, businesses, and individuals from all walks of life stepped up, donating essential items ranging from non-perishable food, clothing, and medical supplies to toys, books, and household goods. Every item, a symbol of a community's unyielding support for another in their time of need.

What made this drive especially heartwarming was the shared understanding that it wasn’t just about sending items; it was about sending love, solidarity, and a promise that Lahaina was not alone in their recovery journey.

Gratitude from the Islands

The donated goods, carefully packed and labeled with love, were shipped off to the families in Lahaina. The reception on the island was deeply touching, with many residents expressing their heartfelt gratitude. For some families, these packages represented a fresh start, a glimmer of hope amid the ashes and rubble.

For Lahaina, a town renowned for its close-knit community and Aloha spirit, the shipments from Los Angeles reinforced the belief that the spirit of 'ohana (family) extends beyond island borders. It’s a testament to the global community that comes together, time and time again, in the face of adversity.

A Lasting Impact

While the donation drive was centered around a month-long effort, its impact will be felt for years to come. As Lahaina begins the long process of rebuilding, they do so knowing they have friends thousands of miles away, ready to support, uplift, and assist in any way possible.

From SERVPRO of Arcadia, Alhambra, and Pasadena North, a huge mahalo (thank you) to those all those who made this happen, bridging the distance and reminding us all about the power of community, kindness, and shared humanity.

In times of disaster, it’s often said that every bit helps. But sometimes, it's more than just "a bit" – it's a whole community's love and care being shipped across the vast Pacific. And that makes all the difference.

Guide to Prepare for Hurricane Hilary - Southern California

8/18/2023 (Permalink)

Preparing for a Category 5 Hurricane: A Comprehensive Guide

When a Category 5 hurricane is on the horizon, time is of the essence. These powerful storms bring with them catastrophic winds, torrential rain, and life-threatening storm surges. Preparation is critical not only to protect your property but, more importantly, to ensure the safety of your family and yourself. Here's a concise guide to help you prepare:

1. Stay Informed:

  • Monitor local news and weather channels. Trusted sources such as the National Hurricane Center (NHC) will provide regular updates and advisories.
  • Download weather apps. These can give real-time notifications and tracking.

2. Evacuate if Advised:

  • Listen to local authorities. If they recommend or mandate evacuation, do so promptly.
  • Plan your route. Know multiple routes in case one is blocked.
  • Inform someone. Let a family member or friend outside the danger zone know where you're headed.

3. Create an Emergency Kit: Stock up on essentials including:

  • Water and non-perishable food for at least three days (one gallon of water per person per day).
  • Medications and a first aid kit.
  • Flashlights, extra batteries, and a battery-operated radio.
  • Important documents (insurance, medical records, bank account numbers) in a waterproof container.
  • Cash (as ATMs might be down).
  • Chargers for your devices, possibly solar or battery-powered.

4. Secure Your Home:

  • Install storm shutters or board up windows using plywood.
  • Clear your yard of any potential flying debris such as lawn furniture, tools, and toys.
  • Secure doors.
  • Consider installing a sump pump if flooding is a concern.

5. Plan for Pets:

  • Have a pet emergency kit with food, water, and medications.
  • Ensure your pet has a secure carrier or leash.
  • Know pet-friendly shelters or hotels on your evacuation route.

6. Protect Your Vehicle:

  • Fill up the gas tank. Gas stations could run out or lose power.
  • Store it in a garage or secure area if possible.
  • Avoid parking under trees or in low-lying areas prone to flooding.

7. Communicate:

  • Establish a communication plan with family. Everyone should know who to contact and where to meet if separated.
  • Use text or social media to let others know you're safe. Phone lines might be jammed.

8. Be Cautious After the Storm:

  • Stay indoors until local authorities declare it's safe.
  • Avoid floodwaters. They may be contaminated or electrically charged.
  • Inspect your home for damage. Document any issues for insurance claims.
  • Be wary of fallen power lines and report them to the utility company.

A Category 5 hurricane is an extreme weather event, but with thorough preparation, you can significantly increase your chances of weathering the storm safely. Remember, while possessions can be replaced, lives cannot. Safety first!

Roof Leaks

6/20/2023 (Permalink)

One of the most common culprits behind home water damage is the seemingly innocuous roof leak. The damage may start small with a slight drip, but left unaddressed, it can lead to significant structural harm, not to mention a host of other issues such as mold growth and decreased energy efficiency. 

A leaky roof is often the result of age, weather damage, or neglect. Ignoring these leaks may save you time and money in the short run, but it could lead to escalated costs and health hazards in the long term. 

At SERVPRO of Alhambra, we specialize in tackling roof leaks and their associated water damage with promptness and proficiency. 

Our first step is to identify the source of the leak, which can often be a challenge due to the path water can travel from the roof to where it finally drips. Yet, identifying and fixing the leak is only part of the solution. 

Addressing the resultant water damage is equally important. Water can seep into walls, insulation, and your home's foundation, creating an environment conducive to mold growth and causing structural deterioration.

Our team employs advanced water extraction, drying, and dehumidification techniques to ensure complete dryness. We also handle mold remediation, treating affected areas to remove and prevent mold, ensuring the health and comfort of your living environment.

Finally, we believe in prevention and preparedness. Regular inspections and maintenance can go a long way in preventing roof leaks. We provide advice and preventive services, including regular roof check-ups, maintenance tips, and weather-proofing solutions.

Remember, a roof leak may start as a simple drip, but it has the potential to disrupt your life and home. With SERVPRO of Alhambra at your side, you have a reliable partner to address roof leaks and their consequential water damage, keeping your home dry, safe, and sound.

Emergency Services: Fast Response Time

6/20/2023 (Permalink)

SERVPRO box truck SERVPRO of Alhambra's box truck to ensure quick response time

When it comes to water damage, every minute counts. The longer the water sits, the more extensive the damage can become. Mold can start growing within 24 to 48 hours, and structural damage to your home can occur. This makes quick response times crucial in any water emergency. At SERVPRO of Alhambra, we understand the urgency and are committed to providing rapid emergency services, around the clock.

Our team is on call 24/7, ready to respond as soon as disaster strikes. From the moment you contact us, we initiate a well-practiced, streamlined process to tackle your water emergency. We understand that time is of the essence, and we aim to reach your location promptly to minimize the potential damage and start the restoration process.

Upon arrival, we quickly assess the situation and start the water extraction and drying process. Our use of advanced equipment ensures efficient water removal and drying, effectively halting any further damage from occurring.

Our quick response does more than just limit the physical damage. It also reduces the emotional stress and potential financial burden of a water emergency. By acting fast, we can prevent minor issues from turning into major problems, saving you both time and money in the long run.

Moreover, our rapid response is not just limited to the start of the process. We commit to maintaining this sense of urgency throughout the entire restoration process, ensuring your property is returned to its preloss condition as swiftly as possible.

At SERVPRO of Alhambra, we believe in racing against water, not against the clock. Our commitment to quick response times for emergency services is unwavering, ensuring we are there when you need us the most, ready to make it "Like it never even happened."

June Gloom

6/16/2023 (Permalink)

June brings a unique weather pattern to certain parts of the country, known fondly as 'June Gloom.' This term refers to the overcast, cool conditions that can prevail, often coupled with unexpected showers or even steady rain. For homeowners, this climate can present a real challenge, particularly regarding potential water damage.

Despite the cool temperatures, the increased moisture in the air during this gloomy period can create the perfect conditions for mold and mildew growth. High humidity can penetrate your home, seeping into walls, carpets, and upholstery. If left untreated, this can result in not only unsightly spots and unpleasant odors but also significant structural damage.

Moreover, the surprise rain showers can put a strain on your home's drainage system, causing overflows and leaks that could lead to water damage.

At SERVPRO of Alhambra, we understand these risks and are here to help you navigate the June Gloom safely. It's crucial to maintain a dry, well-ventilated environment in your home to prevent excessive humidity. Regular inspections of your roofing and drainage systems can help identify potential problems before they escalate.

However, should the gloom get the better of your home, our team at SERVPRO of Alhambra is ready to spring into action. We offer a comprehensive suite of water damage restoration services, including state-of-the-art drying techniques and mold remediation. Our goal is to swiftly return your home to a healthy, comfortable state so that you can focus on enjoying the start of summer.

June Gloom might cast a literal and figurative cloud over the month, but with SERVPRO of Alhambra on your side, you can face the season with confidence.

Stay Safe After a Water Damage

3/2/2022 (Permalink)

This won't be your average, typical blog about what to do to help before SERVPRO arrives. Sometimes these things may seem unnecessary to say but in order to keep our clients safe here are a few things you should NOT do before SERVPRO of Alhambra shows up. 

  • If you can see that the ceiling is wet, do not turn on celling fans. If the ceiling looks to be sagging please keep out of the room.
  • Do not use the TV of other household appliances especially in wet areas of the home.
  • DO NOT use your own vacuum to remove water
  • Keep all colored objects, books and rugs off of wet carpet and flooring
  • Don't leave any wet fabrics or clothing in wet affected areas. Hang them up to dry and keep out of area.

In the event that your home suffers from a water damage call SERVPRO of Alhambra at (626)283-5875

Preventing Refrigerator and Ice Maker Water Damage

3/1/2022 (Permalink)

hands wiping appliance Keep Your Fridge Clean

Being one of the top restoration companies we have encountered countless refrigerator leaks that have caused massive damages not only to the kitchen, but to the rest of the home as well. This is why we should learn all about the ways to help prevent leaks and damages. 

Tips to keep your home safe from water damages:

  • From time to time try to remove dust and debris that build up behind the fridge. 
  • Try to use copper or stainless steel lines for any replacement necessary.
  • Make sure to shut off your main water supply before leaving for any long trips.
  • Remove hard water build up in the line.

Most times we just fill our fridge and maintain the inside of it from time to time. Let's do our best not to forget about the back and outside of our refrigerator to keep our homes in tiptop shape!

As always, in the case something happens out of your control don't hesitate to call us for help! 

SERVPRO of Alhambra (626) 283-5875

Tornado Prep

12/17/2021 (Permalink)

Tornado's strike six different states in America in December. This was such a horrible experience for people in Arkansas, Illinois, Kentucky, Missouri, Mississippi and Tennessee. With this happening so recently we would like to provide you some ways to stay as safe as possible in the event another one occurs.

  • Find a safe place to hide out during the storm: Stay away from being inside of your car, go to the lowest part of your home such as a basement or closet with no windows.
  • Stay clear of windows - you want to fully avoids all windows at all costs, they will be the frist thing to break and bring in the tornado.
  • Put on shoes and a helmet if possible - always have your shoes on already and if you have a helmet, put it on.
  • Plan for your pets - you can put your pets in their carrier or on a leash and keep them with you at all times.
  • Do not leave your home - if you are already home during a tornado do not try to leave and out run the tornado.

For more tornado safety visit: https://weather.com/safety/tornado/news/tornado-safety-tips

Protect Your Commercial Building

12/16/2021 (Permalink)

Protecting your business from potential damages should always be your number one priority. Stay one step ahead by making sure your business has all the correct tools and gear needed!

In the unfortunate event of a fire in your commercial building make sure to have on hand:

  • Fire Extinguisher- Having this near by will limit the area of potential damages
  • An Emergency Exit Plan- This will keep you and your employees safe in case the fire is too large to put out on your own. Make sure this is written out and given to all employees. Doing an emergency exit drill every few months would be beneficial as well.
  • Documents Backed Up- Making sure all your important paper work and documents are backed up to the cloud or having extra copies in a separate location to ensure you don't lose important paperwork. 

These are just a few tips to keep in mind in case of a fire. If you experience damages due to fire in your commercial building SERVPRO of Alhambra is always available 24 hours a day at (626) 283-5875

We Advocate For You

12/3/2021 (Permalink)

Have a water or fire damage in your home? Wondering how to handle the situation? Who do you call where to start? No need to stress! 

Some of these damages may be covered by your insurance company. Once you have chosen SERVPRO of Alhambra as your designated company, we do everything in our power to work with your insurance to get everything covered. 

We first preform an initial inspection of your property to determine how many rooms are effected and what materials were damaged. 

After our inspection we gather all the information including photos, measurements, and findings then send it to your insurance company. 

We continue to follow up on your claim while working with your claims adjuster to get all the scope of work to be approved. 

Once all approvals are obtained we move forward with mitigation services to get you back into your home as soon as possible!

24 Hour Service Even on Christmas

12/2/2021 (Permalink)

servpro ornament on a Christmas tree Happy Holidays!

It's almost the best time of the year again, Christmas! We all love this time of the year whether you like putting up your Christmas tree, putting lights all around your home, or even baking cookies and having hot chocolate by the fireplace. Even with is being the jolliest holiday of the year accidents can still happen. It is important to keep safety at the top of your mind when getting your home ready for this holiday.

“According to the National Fire Protection Association, electrical distribution or lighting equipment was involved in 44% of home Christmas tree fires. Though Christmas tree fires may not be common, they can be devastating to more than the house itself. They can destroy irreplaceable photos, mementos, and family heirlooms and even cost lives,” says Isaacson. “To help keep your holidays bright and your home and family safe, use common sense with candles and tree placement, and follow these important home decorating guidelines.”

For more info please visit www.SERVPRO.com

Smoke & Soot

11/18/2021 (Permalink)

Smoke and soot is very invasive and can penetrate various cavities within your home, causing hidden damage and odor. Our smoke damage expertise and experience allows us to inspect and accurately assess the extent of the damage to develop a comprehensive plan of action.  

Smoke and soot facts:

  • Hot smoke migrates to cooler areas and upper levels of a structure.
  • Smoke flows around plumbing systems, seeping through the holes used by pipes to go from floor to floor.
  • The type of smoke may greatly affect the restoration process.

Different Types of Smoke

There are two different types of smoke–wet and dry. As a result, there are different types of soot residue after a fire. Before restoration begins, SERVPRO of Alhambra will test the soot to determine which type of smoke damage occurred. The cleaning procedures will then be based on the information identified during pretesting. Here is some additional information:

Wet Smoke – Plastic and Rubber

  • Low heat, smoldering, pungent odor, sticky, smeary. Smoke webs are more difficult to clean.

Dry Smoke – Paper and Wood

  • Fast burning, high temperatures, heat rises therefore smoke rises.

Protein Fire Residue – Produced by evaporation of material rather than from a fire

  • Virtually invisible, discolors paints and varnishes, extreme pungent odor. 

Our Fire Damage Restoration Services

Since each smoke and fire damage situation is a little different, each one requires a unique solution tailored for the specific conditions.  We have the equipment, expertise, and experience to restore your fire and smoke damage.  We will also treat your family with empathy and respect and your property with care.

Have Questions about Fire, Smoke, or Soot Damage? Call Us Today – (626) 283-5875

Storm Disasters and Your Belongings

11/16/2021 (Permalink)

When mother nature takes a turn for he worst it can damage more than just the structure of your home. Here at SERVPRO we know and understand that it is not the house that makes a home, it is the people and belongings you keep inside of it that give that warm happy feeling. Our Storm professionals are highly trained in caring for your items as if they were they're own. 

These are a few ways in which we clean your items:

  • Dry Cleaning - Used for cleaning light residues or to pre-clean prior to cleaning.
  • Wet Cleaning - An effective cleaning method for removing moderate to heavy residues.
  • Spray and Wipe -Effective for items that can’t withstand cleaning.
  • Foam Cleaning - Used for upholstery fabrics that might shrink or bleed if cleaned.
  • Abrasive Cleaning - Involves agitation of the surface being cleaned.
  • Immersion Cleaning - Contents are dipped into a bath of the cleaning product.

For more information on how we take care of your items after storm and water damage check out our cooperate website. https://www.SERVPRO.com/resources/storm-damage/storm-cleanup

Mold in Commercial Buildings

11/16/2021 (Permalink)

Commercial buildings are often overlooked when it comes to mold. Hidden pipes in the ceilings that may be damaged can slowly leak and goes undetected causing mold growth.

Mold is a type of fungus. It can be found both indoors and outdoors. Research has shown that mold grows best in humid, warm and moist environments. 

Common types of mold found in commercial buildings:

  • Aspergillus - grows on dust, food made from powder, and most commonly found on drywall.
  • Cladosporium - can grow in both cool and warm environments and is typically found on fabric and on the surface of wood.
  • Penicillium - often has a blue or green color and is typically formed on objects that have been affected by water. 
  • Alternaria - is found in most common damp areas, such as showers or under sinks.

SERVPRO of Alhambra is open 24-hours, don’t hesitate to call us at anytime. We can have a team of professional technicians, to start on your mold remediation right away. We’ll make it, “Like it never even happened.”

Check Your Home For Water Damages

11/15/2021 (Permalink)

It doesn’t matter if you’re buying a home, selling a home, or a happy owner of your home for 10 years, it is still important to identify signs of water damage. Water can not only damage walls, floors, and lead to toxic mold to grow, but it can also cause permanent structural damage to a home. Water damage can be caused by leaks, floods, overflowing water sources, ice dams, accumulation of water in the basement, or leaky appliances. Although water damage can exist anywhere inside a home, there are some important high risk areas to check first. Follow these steps to inspect a house for water damage.

Step 1 - Check the Walls

The simplest way to spot water damage is looking for water stains on the walls and ceilings. You can also check around the window and door frames for stains. Any unusual stains should be taken seriously, as they are most likely a sign of a leaky pipe or drain inside the wall. You can look for cracks in the drywall. An area of wall that has been exposed to water can also have a swollen appearance and be soft to the touch.

Step 2 - Check the Floors

Water damage can happen to any type of flooring and can also seep down to the sub floor. Look for any warping or buckling of the floors, especially in the basement. If the floor looks warped, water damage is most likely the cause. Also be wary of white or dark stains on wood floors, damp carpeting, or a general smell of dampness and mold.

Step 3 - Check the Pipes

Inspect the piping in the kitchen, bathrooms, laundry room, and basement for corrosion around the pipe connections, leaks, or water stains. Inspect the caulking around the bathroom fixtures. Missing or loose caulking could be caused by water seepage. Look for missing grout or signs of mold. Check the water heater for wet spots on the floor and rust on the tank.

Step 4 - Check the Basement

Basement leakage is a common problem found in houses. Water in the basement often causes damage to the flooring, baseboards, walls, and furniture. Additionally, odors caused by mold and mildew can be unpleasant and even cause health effects. Inspect for cracks, stains, rust, dampness, mold, and odors.

Step 5 - Check the Attic

Check the attic for stains, mold, and other signs of leaks. Pay special attention to the valleys where 2 roof planes come together, the flashing where the roof meets the walls, and the flashing around roof vents and chimneys. The insulation should be dry and in good condition. Houses located in cold climates can develop ice dams on the roof, which cause water to leak into the attic from melting snow and ice on the roof.

Step 6 - Check the Exterior

Make sure to check the exterior of the house as well. Check the roof for missing or damaged flashings, cracked, or curled shingles. If you see standing water anywhere outside the home, it could be the sign of a problem. A puddle could be due to poor drainage in the yard, leaky rain gutters, or gutter spouts that don’t take water far enough from the house. The house should be situated on the highest point of the property, with the ground sloping away from the house.

After finishing checking all these steps, if you find something wrong or suspicious, don’t hesitate to contact SERVPRO of Alhambra


10/25/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO ERP logo SERVPRO of Alhambra

If your business was hit by an unexpected disaster today, would you know how to respond? It is important to be prepared for a disaster no matter how big or small. Whether it is a minor leak, a large fire, heavy flooding, or an earthquake, preparation is key. It is estimated that 50% of businesses do not reopen after a water or fire disaster. Call SERVPRO of Alhambra to schedule an Emergency Ready Profile (ERP) for your commercial/ residential structure and make sure your business is properly prepared.

The SERVPRO® Emergency READY Profile is a free assessment of your property which will serve as a quick reference of important building and contact information. The ERP is a concise profile document containing only the crucial information needed in the event of an emergency. It includes facility details such as shut-off valve locations, priority areas and priority contact information. It helps employees determine the line of command for authorizing repair work to begin. The ERP can also serve as a helpful addition to any existing emergency preparedness procedures.

The ERP will establish SERVPRO of Alhambra as your professional disaster mitigation and restoration provider. By working with SERVPRO of Alhambra to develop your personalized Emergency READY Profile, you can help minimize your business interruption by having an immediate plan of action in place for your building. SERVPRO is a trusted leader in water and fire damage response area and we can help you get your property back in working order as soon as possible.

Being prepared is essential to making it through any size disaster. Don't wait until disaster strikes, call SERVPRO of Alhambra at 626-283-5875 today to get your personalized Emergency Ready Profile for your business. We’ll make sure you are “Ready for Whatever Happens.”


10/21/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO STORM TEAM is a collection of highly experienced SERVPRO franchises. We each come together during a catastrophic event to assist a local franchise when it becomes so inundated with water or fire losses. Franchises come together from all over United States and work together as one big STORM team. In doing so we have the capability to handle a large volume of losses.

For example the recent hurricane in Louisiana, Hurricane Ida, caused an immense amount of damage throughout the state and several others. Which led to power outages, destroyed homes, and missed paced families. 

SERVPRO STORM TEAM quickly reached out to the expert franchises to come in and lend a helping hand. 

If you ever endure such circumstances please call SERVPRO of Alhambra (626)283-5875

For more information on STORM help check out


Leaky Pipes and More...

10/20/2021 (Permalink)

Leaks from piping, roofs and other overlooked areas can cause water damage,  that can go unnoticed for an extended period of time. Attempting to clean up water from a leak can lead to further damage or contamination if not handled properly. Our technicians are highly trained professionals that specialize in water mitigation. Our SERVPRO name means everything to us,  and we have been around for some time now. Having a good brand and name you can trust is important. You will always be certain that you are in the best of hands with SERVPRO. 

 We want you to understand the process, and our teams of technicians  will walk you through every step,  keep you updated on the progress of the job, and get you back to good.

Water damages can happen at anytime. It is it's always good to know that there is someone that can be there for you no matter what time a day it. SERVPRO of Alhambra is open 24-hours, 7 days a week. We got this. 

Portable Electric Heater Safety

10/19/2021 (Permalink)

Room on fire from portable heater Portable Heater causing a fire

As winter begins to hit southern California and temperature begins to drop, you may choose to buy a space heater for warm up your home, apartment, or work space. Space heaters are a good alternative if you do not want to turn up your thermostat to heat up your home. However, space heaters, if not used correctly, can cause fire damage to your property. Here are some tips that you can use to prevent any disaster caused by a space heater:

  • Leave the heater on level floor, don’t place on carpet - it can overheat and start a fire
  • Do not use in bathroom, unless it is designed for it - moisture can damage the heater
  • Keep three feet away from flammable materials and out of the way of children and pets
  • Should always be plugged directly into wall outlet, don’t use with extension cord because it can cause overheating
  • Don’t leave heater unattended, make sure to unplug when not in use
  • Install smoke alarms on every floor

The New and Improved Commercial Gear

10/19/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Alhambra only uses the latest and most advanced technology in restoration equipment. Every year our franchise owners go to the SERVPRO national convention to personally pick out the newest products to best serve our customer’s needs.

The dehumidifier is arguably the most essential part of the drying process in water restoration. Dehumidifiers remove moisture from the air. There are two main types of dehumidifier technology that do this: Desiccant and refrigerator coil technology.  In today’s spotlight, we have the Evolution LGR dehumidifier which uses the refrigerant technique.

What does it do?

The Evolution LGR dehumidifier is used to reduce moisture levels in the air and accelerate the drying process altogether. The dehumidifier reduces humidity in enclosed structural environments by removing water vapor from the air. With proper use, the Evolution LGR can help dry wet materials like carpet, carpet pad, floors, walls, building contents and more. Using dehumidifiers may also prevent secondary damage caused by high humidity.

How does it work?

Every dehumidifier has a substance in it known as the low grain refrigerant (LGR) which is responsible for precooling incoming air. The incoming air then passes ever a cold evaporator coil set a temperature 20 – 30F below the dew point, which causes the moisture to freeze on the coil. At intervals, the machine will go into defrost mode, warming the frost back to water. The cold coil condenses water vapor into water that collects inside a condensate pump which later has to be removed through a drain hose. The air is reheated and exhausted to collect more moisture.

For more information about the types pf products we use or any water drying concerns, call SEVRPRO of Alhambra at (626) 283-5875.

SERVPRO is More Than Just a Company

10/19/2021 (Permalink)


What makes SERVPRO of Alhambra stand out from other restoration companies one may ask? We are more than just a company filled with technicians and office staff. We look at ourselves as a family, we care for one another, and we treat our clients with the same respect we would to each other.

When your SERVPRO team shows up on site you can be assured that your home and all precious items inside will be dealt with care. We understand that whenever our team is called out to a job, the homeowner must be feeling all sorts of emotions. Rather than judge, we sympathize with the customer and create a connection with them where they can feel calm enough to allow us to do our jobs.  

Halloween Fire Horrors

10/12/2021 (Permalink)

Pumpkins on fire Halloween Fire Horrors

We all love a fun and festive Halloween with friends and family and the trick-or-treating children right? YES! That does also mean that we need to be extra careful with the cool decorations we put out and the costumes we make or buy. It might not seem like it but those pumpkins we love to carve and use to light up the doorway can have many dangers if you're not careful!

Here are some tips to keep your home safe this year:

  • Swap out the old fashioned fire candle to light up your Jack-O-Lantern with battery powered candles or glow sticks
  • If you do end up using fire candles please keep them away from any drought tolerant pants or fires.
  • For the trick-or-treating children: teach them to stay away from lit pumpkins, do not kick them or move them in anyway
  • Use a flashlight when out getting your sweet treats!

According to the National Fire Protecting Association (nfpa.org) 

    • From 2014-2018, an average of 770 home structure fires began with decorations per year. 
    • More than two of every five (44%) of these fires occurred because the decorations were too close to a heat source, such as a candle or hot equipment.
    • More than one-third (36%) of these fires were started by candles.
    • More than one-fifth (22%) of the decoration fires started in the kitchen; 16% began in the living room.

Source: NFPA Applied Research

For more tips on Halloween safety visit; https://www.nfpa.org/Public-Education/Fire-causes-and-risks/Seasonal-fire-causes/Halloween

Virtual 360 Inspections

10/12/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Alhambra now uses Matterport!

Matterport is an amazing 360 camera and software that allows us to capture detailed photos of your property. We piece those photos together to create a “virtual tour” of the property. With that virtual tour we can send it over to your insurance company for further review of the loss details, conditions and take proper measurements. 

Ever since we have been hit with the devistation of COVID-19, many of us prefer virtual tours and Matterport has allowed us to provide comfort and safety to our customers and insurance adjusters. All we need to do is share the link and you will be able to click through the property and feel as if you were there in person! 

Our Production Manager takes a preliminary Matterport scan of the property prior to any demolition or work performed. After completion of work, he visits the property again for a final scan. We use the two scans for reconstruction estimates and proper billing. 

Matterport has become a vital part of our business because it gives our customers the complete feel of their project from start to finish.

We service commercial properties too!

10/12/2021 (Permalink)

raining on home painting Rainfall on home

Here is a real life scenario that occurred recently to  one of our commercial clients. With the inconsistent weather that we experience in Southern California, the chances of rain are unpredictable and inevitable! 

Since here in Southern California rain does not come too often, it's best to be prepared!

Our client experienced a major roof leak which was discovered shortly after a hard rainfall. The water traveled throughout the second floor ceiling causing it to collapse. The water then traveled down to their first floor damaging several offices and hallways in their building.

Here are some tips to avoid this type of situation:

  • Annual Roof Inspections
  • Repair any damages to roof
  • Be sure all vents are properly installed 

If you are in need of assistance after a water damage occurs in your building call us, we are here to help! (626) 283-5875

Sticking Together When Disaster Strikes!

10/12/2021 (Permalink)

When we had large wild fires in Southern California, the main thing to remember is to not panic!

In times like this, staying calm and addressing the problem correctly can go a long way. The wild fires made it's way all the way from the San Fernando Valley all the way to the hills of Santa Barbara, where our Storm Team and SERVPRO of Alhambra have been dispatched.

Our highly skilled technicians worked diligently to begin the cleanup and restoration process for the properties that have been effected. In times like this, we see how well connected the community is. Our customers have been looking out for each other, by staying in communication to coordinate their schedules and give each other updates on the latest fire status. When our clients are at ease, it makes making it “Like it never even happened,” that much easier.

We appreciate the patience and great feedback we have received from our customers. In these times we do our best to comfort our clients and keep then as happy as they can be.

Understanding a Water Damage

9/17/2021 (Permalink)

When water damage hits your property it can feel stressful and confusing. Our staff is here to help you understand what needs to be done to bring your property back to a safe and clean state. We are happy to walk you through each step of the process. 

Typical Water Damage Process:

  1. Intake - Here’s where we ask you all the questions related to your property and water damage. Contact info, Insurance claim number, cause of loss, affected areas and any other important information
  2. Scheduling - During intake we schedule an initial appointment with you based on your availability. Our goal is to arrive at an emergency situation within one hour of your phone call. 
  3. Inspection/Arrival Date - When the loss is an emergency, our crew will extract water and clean up affected areas immediately. We will assess the damages starting from the cause of loss. We will take moisture readings, photos and measurements of all affected areas and document the scope of work to be performed. 
  4. Insurance Approval - We take all the information gathered during the initial visit and send it to your insurance for coverage confirmation and approval to proceed. 
  5. Demolition (if necessary) - When demolition is required, we gain approval first and schedule a crew to perform the removal of affected and damaged material
  6. Dry Out - Upon completion of demolition, equipment is reset to dry out the framing materials of your property. 
  7. Completion - Once all materials have reached a drying goal, we do a final clean up of the areas, pick up equipment and document the moisture readings. We gather that information again and provide everything to your insurance for final billing.

Bio-Haz / Trauma & Crime Scene Cleanup

9/16/2021 (Permalink)

Trauma and Crime Scenes typically involve many different types of contaminants. Anywhere from bloodborne pathogens to fire extinguisher residue. You can count on our crews at SERVPRO of Alhambra to take care of your property in situations where professional restoration is needed!

We are experienced in handling delicate situations in which death, crime or trauma may have occurred and we will always treat you and your property with empathy and patience. 

Once authorities have evaluated your property, it is ready for restoration services to begin. At that point, we will have one of our professionals inspect the property and provide you with the best cleanup method to suit your needs. 

Give us a call anytime for more information on our Trauma & Crime Scene Cleanup services 626-283-5875.

360 Virtual Tour

9/15/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Alhambra offers virtual inspections! With the use of Matterport, a 360 camera and software, we are able to provide you and your insurance adjusters with a virtual tour of your property. 

We understand that not all homeowners live at the property where a loss occurred and many insurance adjusters may not be able to visit on site. Keeping this in mind, we are able to scan your property with Matterport to create a virtual tour. The virtual tour is shared with you and your insurance adjuster, providing you with the feeling that you are actually at the property! 

When it comes to a large loss, the virtual tour helps identify the extent of the damages and details of the loss. It also allows us to provide accurate reconstruction estimates with exact measurements and details of materials to be replaced. 

Matterport has become a vital part of our business! Give us a call for more information on how we use Matterport.

Mold Process 101

9/14/2021 (Permalink)

The mold cleanup and restoration process begins when you call us. A SERVPRO representative will start by asking you a series of questions to help us determine the necessary equipment, resources, and personnel to assist you with your property.

  1. Inspection and Mold Damage Assessment -- We carefully inspect your property for visible signs of mold and possible moisture. Mold feeds on cellulose and water and can be hidden from plain view. 
  2. Mold Containment - Our professionals use various containment procedures to prevent the spread of mold. We may use advanced containment procedures like negative air chambers to isolate the contaminated area with physical barriers and negative air pressure to keep the mold spores from spreading during the cleanup process. All fans and heating and cooling systems will be turned off to prevent the spread of mold.
  3. Air Filtration - Our specialized filtration equipment allows our Professionals to capture microscopic mold spores out of the air. We utilize powerful “air scrubbers” and HEPA vacuums to prevent the spread of these mold spores while the mold remediation is in process.
  4. Removing Mold and Mold-Infested Material - The mold remediation process depends on the amount of mold growth and the types of surfaces on which the mold appears. We’ll use antifungal and antimicrobial treatments to eliminate mold colonies and to help prevent new colonies from forming. It may be necessary to remove and dispose of mold-infested porous materials, like drywall and carpeting, to remediate heavy mold growth.
  5. Cleaning Contents and Belonging - We clean your furniture, decorative items, curtains, clothing, and other restorable items affected by mold. We use a variety of cleaning techniques to clean and disinfect your belongings. We’re also trained to remove odors and deodorization using fogging equipment.
  6. Reconstruction -- Depending on the level of mold damage, drywall, subfloors, and other building materials may have been removed. Reconstruction may involve minor repairs, such as replacing drywall, painting, and installing new carpet; or it may entail major repairs such as the reconstruction of various areas or rooms in a home or business. The reconstruction step gets your home or business back to normal.
  7. Test for indoor air quality – After the restoration process, SERVPRO or you will hire an Indoor Air Quality and Environmental Professional to evaluate the quality of the air inside the structure. Using various testing devices, these professionals will collect air and surface samples to compare the indoor mold spore count to the outdoor environment.

SERVPRO of Alhambra cares about the proper restoration of your property.  In most cases, excessive mold growth will not be a problem for our franchise professional and we can safely restore your building to its original condition.  Don’t let the mold continue to go, call SERVPRO of Alhambra today at 626-283-5875.

Reconstruction Services

9/14/2021 (Permalink)

We strive to provide our customers with a complete line of service from Water Restoration to Reconstruction, our crews are equipped and experienced to provide it all. SERVPRO of Alhambra understands that the occurrence of a water damage can be overwhelming, so we like to take the headache away from our customers and be their one-stop-shop for all services. 

During a typical water damage, building materials will likely be removed in order to properly mitigate the loss. Materials such as drywall, ceiling, all types of flooring and cabinets are the most common building items we must remove in order to ventilate and prevent mold growth. 

After the structure has reached a dry point, the property is ready for reconstruction. We prepare a reconstruction estimate and will present it to the insurance company for approval based on your policy. SERVPRO of Alhambra assists with coming to an agreement with your insurance and will then schedule a reconstruction crew to your project. Our crews work diligently to get you back home as soon as possible and will be sure we provide you with the utmost customer satisfaction. 

For more information on our Reconstruction services, feel free to contact us at 626-283-5875.

Hurricane Season in Louisiana

8/30/2021 (Permalink)

Mississippi River with pier Mississippi River before Hurricane Ida

Several cities in Louisiana are suffering from the catastrophic damages caused by Hurricane Ida this weekend. It has destroyed many homes, buildings and roads. Power lines are down for more than 1 million residents and it is unknown when they will be repaired. Search and Rescue teams are in the area and they have found at least one person dead from the Hurricane. 

Our hearts go out to the people in Louisiana and to the cleanup and rescue teams working tirelessly to put the community back together. We are also grateful to have SERVPRO be part of the cleanup efforts. Our Storm Teams have activated our strongest crews to assist Louisiana and parts of Mississippi. 

For live updates on Hurricane Ida visit: https://www.cnn.com/us/live-news/ida-updates-08-30-21/index.html

Spot a Water Damage

8/25/2021 (Permalink)

Leaking pipe Leaking pipe

It is very important to know how to identify water damage, whether you are buying, selling, or renting a home. When water seeps through your property, it can damage walls, floors, and can lead to toxic mold growth. Water damage can also lead to permanent structural damage to your property. Some causes of water damage can be caused by leaks, floods, overflowing water sources, ice dams, accumulation of water in the basement, or leaky appliances. Here are some steps to inspect your property for water damage.

  1. Walls
    -Check for water stains on the walls and ceilings. Any unusual stains should be taken serious as they could be a likely sign of a leaky pipe or drain within the walls. They usually have swollen appearance if there is a water leak within the walls
  2. Floors
    -Any warping or bucking of floors, especially in the basement, water damage is very likely. Be also aware of stains on wood floors, damp carpeting, or a smell of dampness or mold.
  3. Pipes
    -Check and inspect the pipes in the kitchen, bathrooms, laundry room, and basement for any corrosion. Look for wet spots around water heater and the rust around the tank.
  4. Attic
    -Many air conditioners are now in the attic and could cause possible leaks. Check the attic for stains, mold, and other signs of possible leaks. Insulation should also be dry and in good condition.

If you find something wrong or suspicious in your property that may be water damage, call SERVPRO of Alhambra at 626-283-5875 for an inspection!

Fire Damage Tips

8/25/2021 (Permalink)

Fire damaged flooring and walls Fire Damage

In Southern California, we are known to have summer temperatures all year round which makes it common for fires to break out. A house can easily catch fire for a number of different reasons but they can be easily avoided if you take the right measures. Below are some of the most common causes of house fires, and some tips to prevent them.

  1. Cooking – Almost 50% of all accidental house fires are cooking related. Pots and pans can easily overheat and cause a fire if the person cooking leaves cooking unattended. Always make sure there is someone in the room while the stove is on.
  2. Heating - Keep portable heaters at least three feet away from anything that could easily catch fire such as furniture, curtains, clothes and even yourself. If you have a furnace, get it inspected once a year to make sure it is working to safety standards.
  3. Electrical Malfunction – Fires that are the result of electrical hazards occur in homes with inadequate wiring. Some signs to see if you’ve bad wiring are: 1) Lights dim if you use another appliance; 2) For an appliance to work, you have to disconnect another; 3) Fuses blow or trip the circuit frequently. If you have any doubts or concerns about your electric wiring, call your landlord immediately or have a licensed electrician come and inspect you house.
  4. Open Flame - Candles look and smell nice, but if they are left unattended they can cause a room to burst into flames. Keep candles away from any obviously flammable items such as books and tissue boxes. Always blow a candle out before leaving a room.
  5. Faulty Appliances - An electrical appliance, such as a toaster can start a fire if it is faulty or has a frayed cord. A power source that is overloaded with one or more adapter plug can cause a fire from an overuse of electricity. An extension cord can also be a fire hazard if not used appropriately. Remember to unplug all appliances that are not in use.

Most of house fires are unintentional but taking precautions can help you avoid a fire in your home and ensure the safety of your family. However if any accidents do occur, don’t hesitate to call SERVPRO of Alhambra at 626-283-5875 to help you with all of your fire damage needs.

For more fire statistics in the United States, visit https://www.usfa.fema.gov/data/statistics/#what

Mold Prevention

8/25/2021 (Permalink)

Mold under bathroom sink Mold Under Bathroom Sink

Mold in the bathroom, such as the shower, sink, or bathtub, can be difficult to get rid of, but there are some techniques that you can use to keep it under control. The key to preventing mold growth is getting rid of the dampness in the bathroom, which can be difficult.

  1. Using your bathroom fan and making sure it is the right size for your bathroom. Make sure your bathroom fan is running when you are taking a shower or bath as well as half an hour after you finish to get rid of any extra moisture.
  2. You can also seal any grout lines annually with any grout sealer to waterproof them.
  3. Maintaining sink and toilet supply lines
  4. Ensuring the wax ring on your toilet is secure or changed after a few years

These steps will not guarantee that your bathroom will be mold free but these are some simple steps that you can take to prevent mold growth.

If your mold problem is very prominent, give SERVPRO of Alhambra a call at (626)283-5875.

Improper Grease Disposal

8/25/2021 (Permalink)

Clogged drain from grease build up Clogged drain from grease build up

Did you know that improper disposal of Fats, Oils and Grease (FOG) can lead to plumbing clogs and the inability to remove waste from city sewer lines? We may think that because oils and grease are liquids, we can flush them down the toilet or drain them down the sink, but that can lead to major issues in the future.

According to The City of Alhambra’s website, here are a few ways to prevent Fat, Oils and Grease build up:

Preventing FOG Buildup

  • Always scrape grease and food scraps from trays, plates, pots, pans, utensils, grills and other cooking surfaces and place them into the trash for disposal.
  • Pour fats, oils and grease into a container such as an empty jar or coffee can. Once the materials have cooled and solidified, secure the lid and throw it in the trash.
  • Don’t put grease down a garbage disposal. Put drain baskets/strainers in sink drains to catch food scraps and other solids - and empty them into the trash.

For more information on the effects of Fats, Oils and Grease build up visit: https://www.cityofalhambra.org/385/Proper-Disposal-of-FatsOilsGreaseFOG

Storm Supply Checklist

7/29/2019 (Permalink)

Storm Supply Checklist

In Southern California, it is pretty rare that we ever run into any storms, however, a storm does occasionally appears during fall and winter seasons. During these seasons, it is always important to be prepared for a storm, especially after all the fires that have been going on in the past few years. The fires that burned away the vegetation loosen up soil, therefore, are more susceptible to breaking apart into mudslides if there is rainfall. Because of these extra dangers of storms in Southern California, we recommend having these items in your home.

  1. Battery operated radio
  2. First aid kit
  3. Flashlight with extra batteries
  4. Cash and important documents (such as insurance policies, IDs, bank information)
  5. Nonperishable food for several days 
  6. Water for several days
  7. Extra clothing and shoes
  8. Pocket knife with tools attached
  9. Sanitation wipes and hygiene products. 
  10. Manual can opener
  11. Matches in a waterproof container

If you run into any storm issues in your property or home, call SERVPRO of Alhambra at (626) 283-5875 for a free inspection.

Commercial Water Damage

7/29/2019 (Permalink)

Water damage can affect and halt your business for days. However, many business owners and entrepreneurs sometimes forget that floods and severe weather aren’t the only culprits of water damage to a business. Here are some typical causes of water damage that happen to business commercial buildings.     

  • Malfunctioning sprinklers

Many older office and retail buildings might have outdated sprinkler systems where they work in conjunction with fire protection systems. They are good whenever they is a fire emergency, however, they can also cause commercial flood damage if they are faulty and in need of a replacement. These sprinkler systems should be checked annually so that they do not damage business assets or inventory.

  • Damaged appliances and equipment

A lot of causes of flood damage are from faulty appliances and equipment such as coffee machines or any machines that involve water. Restaurants and catering facilities are more commonly prone to these problems but any break room facility in businesses can also run into these problems and damage the surrounding area.

  • Pipe and plumbing failure

Pipes and plumbing issues are always a big problem, whether it is at a commercial or at a residential building. If the pipes or plumbing fails, water damage could be a result or occur so immediately shut off the water and contact SERVPRO for a thorough inspection and assessment.

If your business runs into any water damage, please call SERVPRO of Alhambra for a free inspection at (626)283-5875.

Smoke and Soot Damage

7/29/2019 (Permalink)

Smoke and soot can be very invasive and can go into the smallest crevices in your home or property which can cause hidden damage and odor. Our smoke damage expertise and experience will allow us to inspect and accurately figure out and assess the extent of the damage to develop a comprehensive plan of action.

When inspecting smoke damage, there are two types of smoke – Dry Smoke and Wet Smoke.

Dry Smoke is virtually invisible, discolors paint and has extreme pungent odor. It is usually caused by fast burning and very high temperatures which causes the heat to rise, therefore the smoke to rise as well.

Wet smoke, on the other hand, is caused by plastic and rubber usually. These burns are low heat and has a pungent odor and smells very smeary. Smoke webs are also very difficult to clean.

Since each smoke and fire damage situation is a little different, each one requires a unique solution tailored for the specific conditions.  We have the equipment, expertise, and experience to restore your fire and smoke damage.  We will also treat your family with empathy and respect and your property with care. If you have more questions, please call us at (626) 283-5875!

2019 Summer Tips to Prevent House Fires.

7/29/2019 (Permalink)

Since it is summer, it is important to make sure your home is safe from any causes of common house fires. A house can easily catch fire for a lot of different reasons but they can all be easily avoided if you take the right steps. Some steps include:

  • Electrical Malfunction – Making sure all electrical hazards are looked after and fixing bad wires.
  • Open Flame – Making sure to blow out candles before they are left unattended.
  • Cooking - Almost 50% of all accidental house fires are cooking related. Pots and pans can easily overheat and cause a fire if the person cooking leaves cooking unattended. Always make sure there is someone in the room while the stove is on.
  • Faulty Appliances - An electrical appliance, such as a toaster can start a fire if it is faulty or has a frayed cord. A power source that is overloaded with one or more adapter plug can cause a fire from an overuse of electricity. An extension cord can also be a fire hazard if not used appropriately. Remember to unplug all appliances that are not in use.

If any accidents do occur, don’t hesitate to call SERVPRO of Alhambra at 626-283-5875 to help you with all of your fire damage needs.

Earthquake Tips!

7/12/2019 (Permalink)

Living in California, you have to always be prepared for an earthquake since this state has been prone to some serious earthquakes in the past. Although, bigger earthquakes, such as the 6.7 one that hit Northridge area of Los Angeles are often pretty rare, even minor earthquakes can damage your homes and property and even cause injuries as well.

The key to preventing and lowering the risk of injury and surviving an earthquake is to plan, prepare, and practice what you will do when an earthquake happens.

Earthquake Drills

During an earthquake drill, practice:

  • Get under a study table or desk and hold on to it
  • Make sure you know where the disaster and emergency supplies are
  • Practice the DROP, COVER, AND HOLD-ON in each safe place
    • Drop under a sturdy table or desk and hold on to one of the legs of the table to desk and protect your eyes by keeping your head down
    • Doorways are no stronger than any other part of a structure so do not rely on them for protection!
  • Stay clear of windows or glass that could shatter or objects that could fall on you
  • Always use the stairs if you are above the first floor of a building in the case of power outages or aftershocks
  • Stay indoors until the shaking has stopped before you are sure it is safe to exit the building
  • When outside of the building, move away from any structures since falling debris could fall and injure someone that is around surrounding buildings still
  • Leave a structure when it is safe if you smell gas

Frequent practice will help reinforce safe behavior in an event of an actual earthquake.

Always keep a look out for a possibility of an aftershock. Aftershocks are smaller earthquakes that follow the main large earthquake. Aftershock earthquakes can continue over a span of hours, days, and even months afterwards. Usually, the larger the earthquake, the more frequent and numerous the aftershocks are. They can cause as much damage as the main earthquake and some rare cases, a larger earthquake can occur.

More tips and how what to do before, during, and after an earthquake, visit this website here:


Leaky Air Conditioner Unit?

9/5/2018 (Permalink)

Air conditioners that are installed today are usually located on the ceiling or roof of your home or business. However, they can sometimes be faulty and leak water down and can cause water damage to your ceiling. If you find that your air conditioner is leaking water, it is important to immediately look into this issue and call a professional for repairs because it can cause serious damage to your ceiling and can cause it to collapse. Here are some reasons why an air conditioning unit might leak:

  1. Clogged condensation drain line
  • It is one of the most common causes of water leaking from an air conditioning unit. This can be caused by dust or dirt that gets clogged into the drain line. A solution can be to vacuum this out but calling a professional is the best way to solve this problem.
  1. Damaged/rusted drain pan
  • Older air conditioning units usually have this problem. If this is the case, the drain pan should be replaced.
  1. Dirty air filter
  • A dirty air filter can block the airflow to the evaporator coil which then gets too cold. When the AC unit is not being used, it starts to melt and then can drip more water than the drain pan can handle. If this is the case, this would need to be replaced immediately.

If your air conditioning unit was caused some water damage to your ceiling, call SERVPRO of Alhambra at (626) 283-5875 to assess the damage and for a free estimate.

Type of Smoke Damage

8/24/2018 (Permalink)

Smoke and soot is very invasive and can spread quickly throughout your home, causing hidden damage and odor. Our smoke damage expertise and experience allows us to inspect and accurately assess the extent of the damage to develop a comprehensive plan of action.

There are two different types of smoke–wet and dry. As a result, there are different types of soot residue after a fire. Before restoration begins, SERVPRO of Alhambra will test the soot to determine which type of smoke damage occurred. The cleaning procedures will then be based on the information identified during pretesting. Two things are for certain, is that hot smoke migrates to cooler areas and upper levels of a structure and that the smoke type can affect the restoration process.

Wet Smoke – Plastic and Rubber

· Low heat, smoldering, pungent odor, sticky, smeary.

Dry Smoke – Paper and Wood

· Fast burning, high temperatures, heat rises therefore smoke rises.

· Discolors paints and varnishes, extreme pungent odor.

Fire Damage Restoration Services

Since each smoke and fire damage situation is different, we will tailor our services specifically to your situation. We have the equipment, expertise, and experience to restore your fire and smoke damage and we will also treat your family with empathy and respect and your property with care.

Have Questions about Fire, Smoke, or Soot Damage? Call us at SERVPRO of Alhambra at (626)283-5875.

Common Toilet Issues and Solutions

8/6/2018 (Permalink)

Toilet overflow is a common cause of water damage in homes and commercial buildings. Toilet issues are just as common and can also lead to toilet overflow. Here are some tips to solve some toilet issues so that you can prevent toilet overflow.

  1. “Phantom Flushes”
    Sometimes, you hear your toilet to refill randomly like someone had just flushed it. The cause of this is a slow leak from the tank of the bowl. The problem is most likely caused by a bad flap or flapper seat. The solution is to drain the tank and bowl and then inspect the flapper and clean the flapper seat. You should replace the flapper if it is worn out or damaged.
  2. Trickling Water
    If you hear a prolonged hissing noise coming from your toilet, it might be water trickling from the supply line. To check this, inspect the refill tube and ballock or the inlet-valve assembly. The hissing sound is usually caused by water coming through the inlet valve. To solve this issue, check whether the float is sticking or needs adjusting then check the refill tube isn’t too far into the overflow tube. If neither of these solves the problem, you may need to replace the ballcock assembly.
  3. Bowl Empties Slowly

This also known as a weak flush, which is a result of a clogged hole underneath the rim of the bowl. Use a curved piece of wire, such as a coat hanger wire, and gently poke into flush hole to clear out any debris. Be careful not to scratch the bowl.

  1. Clogs
    These are the most common toilet problems that people have. A force-cup plunger is a very effective way to clear minor clogs. For serious clogs, use a closet auger. You would insert the end of the auger into the drain hole and then twist the handle and make sure to try to not scratch the bowl.

If you experience any toilet overflow that may have caused water damage in your property, please call SERVPRO of Alhambra to give you a free estimate at (626)283-5875!

SERVPRO of Alhambra's Water Damage Process

8/1/2018 (Permalink)

There are many different ways that water can unexpectedly get inside your home or property. It is a regular occurrence in life that things break, especially when water pipes or certain appliances break or malfunction.

Once water gets inside a building, many different types of damage can occur. SERVPRO’s technicians in Alhambra have experience in dealing with moisture in several different scenarios. It is essential that all moisture gets removed within a 48-hour window so that mold growth does not occur.

When mitigating problems having to do with excessive water, our SERVPRO experts use many different methods and equipment. All of the equipment and methods used are IICRC certified and proven to work well in the restoration industry. We always use different equipment depending on the aspects and severity of the damage situation.

When we first arrive to a water restoration project, we start by testing moisture levels inside the building. We use state-of-the-art detection devices to identify where water has intruded into the structure.

Next, we use specialized extraction equipment to pull moisture out of materials and contents inside the home. The extraction equipment consists of an extractor with a high powered vacuum motor. A vacuum tube then runs to an extraction tool that gets used to pull out the water.

After water gets extracted from the building, we use carpet tools to disengage the carpet and separate seams so that we can pump air underneath it and “float” the carpet. We then use different tools to reinstall the carpet pad and seams after drying is complete. Next, we use drying equipment to return moisture levels to normal conditions.

Air moving equipment causes evaporation to speed up the drying process. Dehumidifiers get used to remove water vapor from the air. After drying gets completed, we use deodorization equipment to apply professional products and treat foul odors.

If water damage occurs on our property, contact SERVPRO of Alhambra at (626)283-5875 for a free estimate!

Independence Day Safety Tips

6/21/2018 (Permalink)

Independence Day is one of America’s biggest holidays where usually, everyone takes the day or night off. The most popular events are barbecues, fireworks, or a trip to the park or beach. It is one of people’s favorite holidays but it can also be hazardous and it is also important to stay safe while having fun.

Here are some tips for the most common activities on July Fourth to remember:


  • Always follow the instructions on the packaging.
  • Never give fireworks to small children.
  • Keep a bucket of water or a hose nearby.
  • Never attempt to relight a firework if it does not go off
  • Never carry fireworks in your pockets.
  • Store fireworks in a cool, dry place away from children and pets.
  • Never throw or point a firework toward people, animals, vehicles, or structures.
  • Use fireworks outdoors only.
  • Keep a safe distance.


  • Always watch over a barbecue grill when in use.
  • Never grill in any enclosed area like in your house, camper or tent.
  • Make sure everyone, including the pets, don’t get too close to the grill.
  • Keep the grill out in the open and away from anything that could catch fire.
  • Use the long-handled tools made for cooking to avoid burns.
  • Never add charcoal starter fluid when coals have already been ignited.

Hope everyone has a safe and fun Fourth of July! If fire or smoke damage does occur, please call SERVPRO of Alhambra at (626)283-5875 and we will assess the damage and take care of everything for you.

SERVPRO of Alhambra's Commercial Services

6/1/2018 (Permalink)

Commercial properties usually experiences wear and tear from dirt and grime that accumulates from ordinary use over time. You can always count on SERVPRO of Alhambra to make sure that your commercial property look its best. Profession cleaning will help you protect your property and increase its life-span so you do not have to worry about common wear and tear that gradually soils your office. When grime, odor, and moisture challenges go beyond the scope of your regular janitorial staff, you should call SERVPRO of Alhambra for prompt service. Whether it’s removing an odor problem or deep cleaning flooring or carpets, you can rely on us to make your workspace look its very best.

When it comes to your commercial property, you need a company that can minimize the disruption to your clients while delivering superior results and SERVPRO of Alhambra is the company to do it. Whether you need professional cleaning to make your business shine, or emergency water restoration services, SERVPRO of Alhambra has the training and expertise to help make it “Like it never even happened.”

Here are some properties that we offer cleaning services to. We have the specialized training and products to get your property back to business.

  • Apartment Buildings
  • Small Office Buildings
  • Large Office/High-Rise Office Buildings
  • Restaurants
  • Hotel/Motels
  • Small Retail Stores
  • Large Retail/Big-Box Stores
  • High-Rise Residential
  • Manufacturing & Industrial
  • Apartment Buildings

Some services that we provide are:

  • Air Ducts and HVAC
  • Biohazard and Sewage
  • Trauma and Crime Scene
  • Carpet and Upholstery
  • Drapes and Blinds
  • Ceilings, Walls, and Hard Floors
  • Odor Removal and Deodorization
  • Vandalism

If you have any questions, please call us at (626)283-5875.

Common Causes of Fire Damage in Homes

5/25/2018 (Permalink)

House fires can be one of the most terrifying experiences and a house can easily catch fire for many different reasons but they can be easily avoided if the right measures are taken. Here are some tips that can help you prevent common house fires.

  • The first common cause of house fires is from cooking. About 50% of all accidental house fires are started from cooking related instances. Pots and pans can be easily overheated if not properly attended. Always make sure there is someone in the kitchen when the stove is on.
  • Portable heaters are also easily prone to causing accidental house fires. A way to prevent this is to keep portable heaters at least three feet away from items that could catch fire such as furniture, curtains, clothes, or even yourself. You should also inspect it at least once a year to make sure that it is safe to use.
  • Fires could also be caused be by electrical malfunction which occurs when there are inadequate wiring. A sign to see if they are bad wiring are dimming lights when you use another appliance. Another sign is for an appliance to work, you would have to disconnect a different appliance or fuses blow.
  • Another common cause if house fire are open flames such as candles. But if they are left unattended they can accidentally catch fire to close by curtains. Always blow out a candle before leaving a room

If an accident ever occurs, please don’t hesitate to call SERVPRO of Alhambra at (626)283-5875 to help you with fire damage needs.

How to Prevent Flooding

5/25/2018 (Permalink)

Dealing with storms and preventing flooding in your home can be stressful, however, SERVPRO of Alhambra is here to provide you with some tips to help make that spring rain a little more bearable, especially in Southern California.

Intense storms can block and back up the city’s drainage system. It can become overwhelmed and then flooding will occur. Do not attempt to drive through standing water as the water can stall your car. In that case, you must abandon your car and move to higher ground. If you are in an office or home that is in danger of flooding, you should unplug all electrical appliances as well as turning off the gas line. Always remember to be alert of any electrical wires or fallen power lines.

To prevent the likelihood of floods, try to keep storm drains clear of trash and debris. Leave or plant plants on areas that slop to slow runoff and prevent erosion. It is also important to clean your home’s gutters and downspouts so prevent buildup. Sandbags are also a good idea to keep in handy to prevent outside water from going into your home. Having a updated emergency kit and list of emergency numbers just in case any accidents happen.

If a flood occurs in your neighborhood or home, call SERVPRO of Alhambra at (626)283-5875 to help you out!

SERVPRO of Alhambra's Emergency Response Profile

5/24/2018 (Permalink)

Your business has just been hit by an unexpected disaster, do you know how you would respond. It is always important to be prepared for any disaster in your business no matter how big or small it was. Whether it is a small leak to a heavy flood, or an earthquake, it is always important to be prepared for it is estimated that about 50% of businesses that have been affected by water or fire disasters do not reopen so we highly recommend that you call SERVPRO of Alhambra to schedule an Emergency Ready Profile (ERP) so that we can help make sure your business or home is properly prepared for any disaster.

The SERVPRO Emergency Ready Profile (ERP) is a free assessment of your property which is a quick reference of building and contact information. The ERP is a profile document that contains crucial information about the property building in the event of an emergency. It also includes facility details such as shut off valve locations and priority contact information. It also helps our employees determine what to do and how to authorize repair work. The ERP also serves as an emergency preparedness procedure.

When you set up an ERP with SERVPRO of Alhambra, we will be your professional disaster mitigation and restoration provider. By working with SERVPRO of Alhambra, you will be minimizing your business interruption by having an immediate plan of action for your building.

Being prepared is essential to making it through any size disaster. Don't wait until disaster strikes, call SERVPRO of Alhambra at 626-283-5875 today to get your personalized Emergency Ready Profile for your business. We’ll make sure you are “Ready for Whatever Happens.”

Types of Water Damage Categories

5/24/2018 (Permalink)

Water damage can be a scary event that happens to your home or business and can promote deterioration of structures and mold growth. There are also three categories of water that you should know about before figuring out if you can handle it yourself. SERVPRO of Alhambra can also provide a free estimate and whether or not you should put a claim in with your insurance.

The first type of water damage is called “clean water.” Clean Water will come from a clean and sanitary source such as faucets, sinks, bathtubs, toilets or any broken water supply lines. However if you ignore the water, it will not stay clean since it comes into contact with other surfaces or materials. This type

The second type of water damage is called “Grey Water.” It is a source of water that contains a significant degree of either chemical, biological or physical contaminants. It may cause discomfort and illness when you consume it or if you’re just exposed to it. It can carry unsafe levels of microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi and algae. This includes water from dishwashers, washing machines, sump pumps, toilet bowls (that doesn’t contain any feces), and flush sink drains.

Black water is the third category of water which comes from a source of water that is unsanitary. It contains unsanitary agents that can cause severe discomfort and sickness. It is any outside water that has now affected the indoor environment. For example, black water can range sea water, rivers and streams to sewage and groundwater. Any toilet back flow regardless of color and overflow with feces is categorized as black water.

Time and temperature can affect the quality of water, thereby changing its category. Any stagnant water can harbor bacteria. So if you ever experience water damage, don’t hesitate to call SERVPRO of Alhambra to help with your water extraction and/or dehumidification.

Earthquake Safety

5/24/2018 (Permalink)

Living in California, you have to always be prepared for an earthquake since this state has been prone to some serious earthquakes in the past. Although, bigger earthquakes, such as the 6.7 one that hit Northridge area of Los Angeles are often pretty rare, even minor earthquakes can damage your homes and property and even cause injuries as well.

The key to preventing and lowering the risk of injury and surviving an earthquake is to plan, prepare, and practice what you will do when an earthquake happens.

Earthquake Drills

During an earthquake drill, practice:

  • Get under a study table or desk and hold on to it
  • Make sure you know where the disaster and emergency supplies are
  • Practice the DROP, COVER, AND HOLD-ON in each safe place
    • Drop under a sturdy table or desk and hold on to one of the legs of the table to desk and protect your eyes by keeping your head down
    • Doorways are no stronger than any other part of a structure so do not rely on them for protection!
  • Stay clear of windows or glass that could shatter or objects that could fall on you
  • Always use the stairs if you are above the first floor of a building in the case of power outages or aftershocks
  • Stay indoors until the shaking has stopped before you are sure it is safe to exit the building
  • When outside of the building, move away from any structures since falling debris could fall and injure someone that is around surrounding buildings still
  • Leave a structure when it is safe if you smell gas

Frequent practice will help reinforce safe behavior in an event of an actual earthquake.

Always keep a look out for a possibility of an aftershock. Aftershocks are smaller earthquakes that follow the main large earthquake. Aftershock earthquakes can continue over a span of hours, days, and even months afterwards. Usually, the larger the earthquake, the more frequent and numerous the aftershocks are. They can cause as much damage as the main earthquake and some rare cases, a larger earthquake can occur.

More tips and how what to do before, during, and after an earthquake, visit this website here:


Easter Safety Tips!

3/27/2018 (Permalink)

It’s that time of year again where you and your family can enjoy decorating eggs together and then hiding them for your kids to find! However, sometimes, it can be a little dangerous and we want to give you some safety tips for a fun filled Easter.

  • Buy eggs from a REFRIGERATED case and check the “sell by” date.
  • Eggs can be hazardous food, in the same category as meat, fish, and milk. This is because they are capable of supporting the rapid growth of bacteria. Before boiling eggs for Easter decorating/painting, they should be kept refrigerated.
  • NEVER leave raw eggs in any form at room temperature for more than 2 hours. Don't eat or cook with cracked eggs or eggs that have been un-refrigerated for more than two hours.
  • Hard-boiled (decorated) eggs left in room temperature for a couple hours or days as a decoration or table centerpiece should be discarded and not eaten. (Although they won’t be a pleasant smell after a few hours)
  • Use only clean and unbroken eggs. Discard dirty or broken eggs.
  • Cleanliness of hands, utensils and work surfaces is essential in preventing spread of bacteria. Always wash your hands when handling your eggs, especially between cooking, cooling and dyeing. Wash hands again, along with all utensils, equipment and counter tops that have been in contact with any raw food before preparing other foods.
  • Hiding eggs around soil can pick up bacteria and putting eggs in contact with soil should be avoided.

Hope everyone has a good and fun Easter weekend! For any emergency water or fire damage, please call SERVPRO of Alhambra at (626)283-5875.

SERVPRO of Alhambra Food Drive

3/16/2018 (Permalink)

From January to the end of February of this year, we, SERVPRO of Alhambra, decided to give back to the community to start off the New Year as well as being in Alhambra for almost five years! To give back to our community, we decided to partner with The Los Angeles Food Bank and organize a food drive.

We asked local insurance and realty companies in Alhambra and Monterey Park to participate with us and donate whatever they had for people in need! We had a wonderful turnout and our combined efforts resulted in over 400 pounds of canned and dried foods donated to the Los Angeles Food Bank!

We want to thank you to everyone that participated in our SERVPRO of Alhambra food drive and help us reach our goal of over 400 pounds of donated food! We will definitely do this again soon later in the year to give back again! Until then, if you experience any flooding, water leak, mold damage, or fire damage, please call us at (626)283-5875 and we will get you a free estimate!

Wildfire Safety Tips

3/13/2018 (Permalink)

Wildfires are one of the most unpredictable and destructive disasters. In 2016 alone, there were over 60,000 wildfires reported in the United States. There are more chances of a wildfire affecting your home or business if they are close to grasslands. Unfortunately, you can’t fight back against a wildfire that is approaching your home or business, however, you are able to take steps beforehand to protect your home from wildfire.

Some of the things you can do to secure your home or business from a wildfire are:

  • Clear combustible materials such as dried leaves.
  • Cut down any tree limbs that are 15 feet or closer to the ground. This will help prevent the fire from spreading into your property’s tree line.
  • Remove any vines or vegetation that is on the side of your house or business.
  • Place any flammable lawn furniture in storage when not in use.
  • Opt for non-flammable decor, such as gravel as opposed to wood chips.
  • Create an emergency escape plan and talk to town officials about evacuation routes in the area

During a wildfire, prepare to evacuate. Here are some steps to protect your property when you evacuate:

  • Moving furniture to the center of rooms and taking down drapes and curtains to prevent combustion.
  • Closing all windows and doors to prevent drafts and reduce heat.
  • Shutting off natural gas from its source.
  • Turning on all lights in your property so that firefighters can more easily see it through smoke.

After a wildfire, only return to the property when it is safe and firefighters have declared it safe. Document the damage and remember to watch out for ash pits and hot spots since they can flare up without warning. Extinguish these ash pits and hot sports immediately if found. When documenting the damage, you should take photographs and video and write out a list documenting the damaged property then contact your insurance company to report the damage.

If you experience fire or water damage, please call SERVPRO of Alhambra at (626)283-5875!

Preparing for Floods

3/13/2018 (Permalink)

With the recent news of heavy rainstorms and floods, we, at SERVPRO of Alhambra, would like to give you some basic safety tips of what to do during a flood or flash flood.

First off, flooding are one of the most frequent natural disasters that can happen within communities that are usually caused by heavy rainfall or prolonged rainfall over several days. Unfortunately, flooding can happen anywhere in the U.S. and especially if your property is in a low-lying area near a body of water or near a river. Flooding can also happen in any season, even in the summer, when there are monsoons or leftover storms from a hurricane.

Some basic tips that you would want to remember if you think a flood will happen are:

  • Move to higher ground as soon as you can
  • Avoid walking or driving through rising water
  • Do not drive over bridges because they are fast-moving floodwaters which can scour foundation from the footings and make the bridge unstable
  • Up to 6 inches of moving water is enough to knock a person down and move vehicles
  • If floodwaters rise around your car, abandon the car and move to higher car – HOWEVER, do not leave the car when the water is moving around you
  • Evacuate if directed to by authorities

Stay safe and if you are experiencing flood damage, please call us at (626)283-5875.

La Tuna Fire

2/15/2018 (Permalink)

This past Labor Day weekend on September 2017, there was an enormous wildfire in Burbank that started in La Tuna. It had burned nearly 7,000 acres of land and destroyed five homes. The wildfire had forced many residents to evacuate from their homes as well as shut down Interstate 210 freeway.

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti declared local emergency on Saturday which instructed all city agencies to “take all necessary steps to protect life and property in the area” affected by which is now the largest fire in the city of Los Angeles in the last 50 years.

Two firefighters were unfortunately injured from dehydration and minor burns but thankfully no one was seriously injured from the Many of these firefighters were sent back to California after helping the people in Texas after Hurricane Harvey during the recovery to help with fire relief as well.

There were about 12,000 firefighters battling 19 wildfires across the state of California at that same time. On September 9th, 2017, the Los Angeles Fire Department declared that the La Tuna fire was a 100% contained.

If your home was affected or still have the smoke smell you can’t get rid of, please call SERVPRO for a free estimate and assistance to getting your home back to the way it was at (626)283-5875.

How Storms are linked to Climate Change

2/9/2018 (Permalink)

As the Earth warms, powerful storms are becoming the new normal. Intense rain and snow storms along with intense drought periods are also all well-known consequences of a warming planet.

You may wonder what the difference between weather and climate is. Weather is what’s happening outside the door right at this very moment. For example, today is 71 degrees on a sunny day in Southern California. Climate, on the other hand, is the pattern of weather measured over several years. Climate is also calculated by the global average temperature to see how we are affecting the temperature rise over the past few decades as a whole. In fact, from 2001 to 2010, it was the hottest decade recorded since reliable records began in the late 1800s. These rising temperature are what we refer to as global warming or climate change. This causes patterns of intense rain and snow storms and periods of drought which are all becoming the new normal in our everyday weather as levels of heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere continue to rise.

Storms do not necessarily mean bad news. After years of being in a drought, the storms this year have brought California some much needed rain. Thankfully, Southern California, does not experience many storms, however, we do need to watch our water usage since we are still in a massive drought which also results in extreme heat waves. Call SERVPRO of Alhambra to learn how you can make sure if your home is protected from flooding and roof leaks. Call us at 626-283-5875 to get a free Emergency Ready Plan for your property.

Category 3 Water

2/8/2018 (Permalink)

If you are a home owner or a property owner, you probably heard that there are different categories of water. Category one water is referred to as liquid that comes from a clean source such as pipes, toilet tanks, or faucets for example. This category of water is usually safe to handle and clean. Category two, also known as grey water, is categorized as liquid that has been contaminated such as dishwater that has been backed up or dishwasher overflow. This category of water may cause illness or discomfort. Category three water, also known as black water, is water that has been contaminated by feces or dangerous bacteria or viruses. The sources of these can be from backed up sewage, flooding from rivers or streams, toilet overflow with feces, or contact with water that support bacterial growth. 

Another example of how water can become Category three very quickly is if a pipe burst with clean water but then comes in contact with dog feces, which floods the entire room. This immediately puts the water into a category three, which is biohazardous because of the possible harmful bacteria growth.

Sewage backup is one the most common Category three water causes. Sewage backup are usually caused by clogs, which creates a sewage backup through the pipes. Sewage is a mixture of both water and human waste. This can be very dangerous because the waste can contain diseases and gases that are harmful to human health.

Preventing Basement Sewage Backup

2/8/2018 (Permalink)

Now that winter is now here, it is time to start thinking about rain storms and the potential damage it can cause if your home is not prepared in advance. And because sewage backup can be harmful to you and your family’s health, here are some ways to prevent your property from sewer backup:

  • Floor drain plug
    • One way drain plugs can be used to prevent water from backing up due to overloaded sewers. If using one, always make sure that the floating mechanism is free from any debris that could prevent its proper function.
  • Standpipe
    • A standpipe is an ordinary pipe that is taller than other pipes and is surrounded by a rubber seal. Any water that would rise out of the drain would go into the pipe and when flood conditions are no longer a threat, the standpipe can be removed, which can allow any water spillage to drain.
  • Overhead Sewer
    • If you have a basement, getting an overhead sewer is one of the best ways to prevent the basement from flooding.
  • Backwater Valve
    • Installed at the exit point from the building, it is an underground pipe that connects to the sewer line. This is a pricey solution since it involves getting a permit and requiring a licensed plumber to do this but it can save you thousands of dollars in case of a sewage backup.

Training for SERVPRO Employees

2/7/2018 (Permalink)

When you’re having trouble deciding which restoration company will best suit your needs, remember that SERVPRO is an international company but each franchise is independently owned and operated. This means you get the best of both worlds, a leading brand you can trust and the intimacy of a local business. Every SERVPRO technician is required to complete a training course administered by The Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC). The IICRC certifies and sets the standards for the entire cleaning and restoration industries. Our franchise professionals study IICRC standards and best practices in water restoration, fire restoration, mold remediation, carpet and upholstery cleaning, and other cleaning and restoration courses.

IICRC Certifications

  • Applied Microbial Remediation Technician (AMRT) - This four-day course covers mold and sewage remediation techniques and how to perform these procedures in the field while protecting the health and safety of workers and occupants on your property.
  • Applied Structural Drying Technician (ASD) - Technicians learn to dry water-damaged structures efficiently and effectively using monitoring devices, extraction systems, and drying equipment. This three-day course includes comprehensive classroom and hands-on training to develop technical and practical drying expertise.
  • Carpet Cleaning Technician (CCT) - This two-day course covers pre-inspection, fabric identification, cleaning chemicals and equipment, and proper cleaning techniques for residential and commercial applications.
  • Fire and Smoke Restoration Technician (FSRT) - Technicians will learn about types of smoke and fire damage, job planning, equipment, and practical cleaning procedures in fire and smoke settings. This two-day course also includes instruction on odor and deodorization concepts.
  • Odor Control Technician (OCT) - Technicians learn to address odors and deodorization techniques. This one-day course covers odor control caused by biological sources such as decomposition, urine contamination, mold, and other sources.
  • Upholstery and Fabric Cleaning Technician (UFT) - Technicians learn fiber identification and upholstery cleaning methods. This two-day course also covers identifying upholstery cleaning problems before fabrics shrink, bleed, crown, or distort.
  • Water Damage Restoration Technician (WRT) - This three-day course covers the concepts of water damage and its effects in residential and commercial settings. Technicians learn techniques and procedures to deal with water losses, sewer backflows, and contamination such as mold.

If you need any cleanup or restoration work done at your property, trust SERVPRO of Alhambra and our highly trained franchise professionals to make it look “Like it never even happened.”

Keeping Mold Away From Food

2/5/2018 (Permalink)

We have all experienced food going bad at some point and mold growing on foods that we have not touched in a long time. However, how can we prevent food from going moldy?

Buying small amounts and using food quickly is probably the best way to prevent mold growth in food. However, there are other practices that you can implement to prevent mold growth in food.

  • Examine food well before you buy it. Check food in glass jars, look at the stem areas on fresh produce, and avoid bruised produce.
  • Fresh meat and poultry are usually mold free, but cured and cooked eats might not be. Examine them carefully.
  • When serving food, keep it covered to prevent exposure. Use plastic wrap to cover foods you want to stay moist.
  • Empty opened cans of perishable foods into clean storage containers and refrigerate them.

Cleanliness is the key to controlling mold. Mold spores from contaminated food can build up in your refrigerator, dishcloths, and other cleaning utensils.

  • Clean the inside of the refrigerator every few months with one tablespoon of baking soda dissolved in a quart of water. Rinse with clear water and dry. If you do run into mold, scrub the visible mold (usually black) on rubber casings using three teaspoons of bleach in a quart of water.
  • Keep towels, sponges, and mops clean and fresh. A musty smell means they are spreading mold around. Discard them if you cannot use them.

Quick Temporary Mold Home Remedies

2/5/2018 (Permalink)

Finding mold in your home can be one of the scariest things to experience since there are always horror stories of how mold can affect a person’s health. Fortunately, you can control the growth of certain mold and get rid of it with some simple steps.

  • Chlorine bleach is a great mold killer. A recipe is to combine one part chlorine bleach to four parts water and apply to the mold. However, chlorine bleach should not be used on surfaces where food is prepared on. (only works with non-porous items such as tile and glass)
  • If you want something stronger, a more effective anti-mold treatment would be fungicide cleaner. This can be used to wipe down exterior and interior of refrigerators with.
  • For tough to clean spots, such as carpets or rugs, we suggest using baking soda, and dusting the affected area and letting it sit for a couple hours before vacuuming it up.
  • If you are looking for a more natural approach, vinegar is a solid and natural mold killer. Just put vinegar in a spray bottle and spray in all locations where the mold is located at.

Always remember to wear protective gear when dealing with mold because it can cause breathing and other respiratory problems for you if you get in contact with it or even mold spores. Also to remember to wear gloves and never to touch the mold directly.

To control the growth and spread of mold in your home or property, you must regulate the humidity. Increased air movement through an electric fan is a great way of reducing air moisture as well as air conditioning system to remove moisture. In the right conditions (humidity wise), mold can spread through a home as little as 48 hours!

If you are experiencing mold problems that you don’t think you can take care yourself, give us a call at (626)283-5875.

Water Mitigation

1/22/2018 (Permalink)

Water mitigation is the process of reducing or preventing the amount of water damage that happens after a flood or a permeating leak. It prevents additional damage by taking fast, appropriate actions. Water mitigation is normally needed after plumbing failures or when storms cause water to rush into your home. Soaked rugs, damaged walls, warped flooring and ruined furniture are only the beginning if mitigation is not engaged quickly.

Normal store-bought vacuums or companies with only carpet drying equipment cannot prevent water from wicking up walls, under baseboards and molding or into sill plates. Water will penetrate through floor coverings into subfloors, eventually causing damage to rooms below.

If internal building humidity is not controlled, undamaged objects safe from the original flood damage could be ruined as a result of absorbing moisture from the air. Structures not dried out quickly enough or properly will become a food source for mold, later causing a need for even more professional mold removal services.

Specific steps are taken to reduce property destruction, to prevent further water damage and to restore your property to its full value. SERVPRO of Alhambra works with your insurance company so you don’t have to stress.  We help you determine the details of your insurance policy and coverage concerning a major loss. Response time is crucial to preventing further damage, including mold damage. Any delay can lead to a much more costly recovery, salvage and reconstruction. Begin repairs to your home promptly following the cleanup services.  Call SERVPRO of Alhambra at 626-283- 5875 today to help you with your water mitigation needs!

Storm Damage Insurance

1/22/2018 (Permalink)

If your home has been damaged, continued exposure to the elements may greatly increase the amount of damage to you home. Many insurance policies give you a time to file a claim, so don't wait until you have water dripping through the ceiling, mold in the attic, or your roof caves in to call your insurance company. It might be too late to file a valid storm damage claim.

It is always recommended to purchase a good homeowners insurance policy, even if you don't owe any money on your home. If you have a mortgage, home equity loan, or use your home as collateral, your lender will require you to maintain insurance. There are many different types of insurance policies so depending on which one you opt for the levels of coverage, exclusions and limits of liability will vary greatly. Some policies only provide you with basic coverage, while others will offer you more coverage and higher levels of protection.

Most homeowner’s insurance policies cover storms including hail, tornado and wind damage. Earthquakes, floods and other named exclusions and usually require separate coverage. Normal wear and tear and poor maintenance is not covered by insurance. Most policies cover the cost of tree removal after a storm, however, you should check your policy. Some insurance companies require a separate tree removal policy. Damage to your car is not covered by your homeowner’s policy, even if a tree on your property falls and damages your car. Damage to your car is covered by your comprehensive auto insurance policy. 

The replacement cost is the actual cost to rebuild your home in the event it is completely destroyed, which may be more or less than the market value, or sale price. Homeowners insurance covers the repair or replacement of your home and its contents up to defined limits. Your policy may also include a liability policy, which protects you in the event someone is injured on your property. Your insurance company will pay for loss of use, in the case that your home is uninhabitable after it has been damaged by a storm, up to applicable limits. This means that while your house is under repairs, the insurance company will cover the cost for you to live in a hotel or any other temporary accommodation.

When filing an insurance claim, remember most state laws prohibit insurance companies from cancelling policies for filing claims in an “Act of God” storm damage situation. In most states insurance company cannot single you out for a rate increase. If the insurance company is going to raise rates, they have to raise everyone's rates in your area. So, if you don’t file a claim, your personal rate increase will pay for everyone else's claim except for yours.

SERVPRO of Alhambra works with your insurance to ensure a stress free claims process. SERVPRO is on the listed of trusted vendors for many national insurance companies. The SERVPRO team can help you manage the insurance paperwork and process at no extra cost. Call us at 626-283-5875 for more information.

Rainy Season Preparation

1/22/2018 (Permalink)

As winter is approaching here in Southern California, the rainy season will also be on its way soon. It may be sunny most of the time, however, rain storms can cause a lot of damage to homes and property if steps are not taken ahead of time to prevent them. Here are some steps you can take before any storms hit:

  • Clean and repair home gutters: Clogged ones can cause rainwater to back up and damage your roof and house.
  • Inspect roof: Look for loose or damaged shingles as well as signs of leakage.
  • Look inside at ceilings and walls: Any water damage could be an indication of roof leaks.
  • Trim trees and bushes next to the house: Cut off branches that can be weighed down with water or strike houses.
  • Make sure doors and windows are secure and that they open and close properly.
  • Stockpile the sand bags: If you live in flood-prone areas, buy or collect sand bags to help divert water, debris or mud. Have them filled and ready to go before flooding happens.
  • Check street drains near your home: If they are clogged, call your city’s public works department.

More tips and information:



Preparing for Winter

1/22/2018 (Permalink)

Winter in Southern California is basically nonexistent, however, it does get increasingly cold during the nighttime and morning and the weather can be unexpected during the winter. It can bring cold temperatures, wind, and rain which can cause damage to your home or property. So here are some steps you can take beforehand to prevent any damage against winter weather.

  • Investing in weather stripping
    • Weather stripping is easy to install and is a good way to keep warm air in the house and cold air outside.
  • Check home for leaks or drafts
    • Windows, doors, vents, plumbing areas, air conditioners, electrical and gas lines
  • Clean gutters so that water can easily drain from the roof
    • Blocked gutters can allow melting ice to seep into your roof and flood your home’s foundation
    • You may also want to think about getting rid of branches that linger over your roof as well as that can break and damage the roof
  • Stock up on basics in case of storms/floods
    • Such as extra blankets, flashlights, candles in case of power outages
  • Protect pipes from freezing
    • Don’t turn heat down too much when out of the house
    • Call plumber immediately if pipes freeze and water stops flowing from faucets

Follow These Mold Safety Tips If You Suspect Mold

1/15/2018 (Permalink)

If you see visible mold, do not disturb it. You can inadvertently spread the mold infestation throughout your home. When mold is disturbed, the mold can release microscopic mold spores which become airborne and can circulate inside your home.

What to Do:

  • Stay out of affected areas.
  • Turn off the HVAC system and fans.
  • Contact SERVPRO of Alhambra for mold remediation services.

What Not to Do:

  • Don’t touch or disturb the mold.
  • Don’t blow air across any surfaces with visible or suspected mold growth.
  • Don’t attempt to dry the area yourself.
  • Don’t spray bleach or other disinfectants on the mold.

About Our Mold Remediation Services

SERVPRO of Alhambra specializes in mold cleanup and restoration, in fact, it’s a cornerstone of our business.  Our crews are highly trained restoration professionals that use specialized equipment and techniques to properly remediate your mold problem quickly and safely.

If You See Signs of Mold, Call Us Today – (626) 283-5875 

Does Your Alhambra Home Have a Mold Problem?

1/15/2018 (Permalink)

Microscopic mold spores naturally occur almost everywhere, both outdoors and indoors. This makes it impossible to remove all mold from a home or business. Therefore, mold remediation reduces the mold spore count back to its natural or baseline level. Some restoration businesses advertise “mold removal” and even guarantee to remove all mold, which is a fallacy. Consider the following mold facts:

  • Mold is present almost everywhere, indoors and outdoors.
  • Mold spores are microscopic and float along in the air and may enter your home through windows, doors, or AC/heating systems or even hitch a ride indoors on your clothing or a pet.
  • Mold spores thrive on moisture. Mold spores can quickly grow into colonies when exposed to water. These colonies may produce allergens and irritants.
  • Before mold remediation can begin, any sources of water or moisture must be addressed. Otherwise, the mold may return.
  • Mold often produces a strong, musty odor and can lead you to possible mold problem areas.
  • Even higher-than-normal indoor humidity can support mold growth. Keep indoor humidity below 45 percent.

If your home or business has a mold problem, we can inspect and assess your property and use our specialized training, equipment, and expertise to remediate your mold infestation.

If You See Signs of Mold, Call Us Today – (626) 283-5875

Alhambra 24 Hour Emergency Water Damage Service

1/12/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Alhambra is available 24 hours a day for water emergencies, large or small. When you are dealing with water damage, immediate action is crucial. A delay of just a few hours can greatly increase the severity of the water damage.

We Answer the Phone Ready to Help Call Today – (626) 283-5875

We understand that when you call us, you may be feeling confused, stressed, and vulnerable. You need an expert to guide you through this crisis. SERVPRO of Alhambra has the specific water damage training and experience to help you through this tough time. We specialize in water damage restoration—in fact, it's the cornerstone of our business.

What to Expect

When you call, we will ask several questions regarding your water damage emergency. These questions will help us determine what equipment and resources to bring, including how many trained SERVPRO Professionals may be needed.

Our SERVPRO Representative will ask several questions:

  • Your name and contact information
  • Your insurance information (if applicable)
  • The street address of the water-damaged home or business
  • When did the flooding or water damage occur?
  • What caused the water damage (if known)?
  • Is there electricity available (on-site)?

About SERVPRO of Alhambra

SERVPRO of Alhambra specializes in the clean-up and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. From initial and on-going training at SERVPRO’s corporate training facility to regular IICRC-industry certification, rest assured our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property.

Preparing for Vacation

12/4/2017 (Permalink)

When you’re on vacation, you should be carefree and enjoying your time away and not be worrying about your home. Here are some steps you can ensure that you come back to your house without having to worry.

  • Make sure your house looks lived-in
    • Can ask trusted neighbor to pick up mail
    • Park car inside garage
    • Turn on a lamp or two inside the house (or on timer)
    • Install motion-activated sensor on outdoor floodlight
    • Make sure all smoke detectors are properly working
    • Make sure to shut all windows and lock doors before leaving
  • Electrical and plumbing precautions
    • Unplug small appliances and electronic devices
    • Check for any types of leaks (pipes, water heaters, faucets)
    • Turn off water valves for dishwasher, washing machine, and sinks
    • Set water heater to “vacation” mode, which newer water heaters should have
    • Pour half a cup of chlorine into toilet bowls to prevent bacteria buildup
    • Clean out refrigerator and get rid of perishable items

Happy holidays and for more information, you can visit:



Christmas Tree Safety

12/1/2017 (Permalink)

For the holidays, nothing is more complete than having a live Christmas tree in your living room. However, having a live Christmas tree can be a real risk towards your family, friends, and especially your home. This is because Christmas trees, when they become dry, can become a fire hazard and can cause extensive damage. Although they aren’t common, Christmas tree fires alone cause million dollars of property damage every year. Here are some precautionary tips to prevent disaster:

  • Choose fresh trees over cheap and dry
  • Don’t keep a dry tree around and dispose of it properly
  • Keep the tree base filled with water so tree does not dry out quickly
  • Keep tree away from heat sources, such as fireplaces, candles, and even a TV
  • Don’t use damaged or frayed cords
  • Turn lights off Christmas lights at night or when leaving house unattended
  • Keeping a fire extinguisher nearby just in case
  • Test smoke and carbon monoxide alarms (monthly) to make sure they work

Hope everyone has a safe and wonderful holiday!

For more information, you can visit:


SERVPRO Franchise History

8/4/2017 (Permalink)

Life happens. Kids spill drinks, pets have accidents and homes get dirty. SERVPRO of Alhambra has the expertise to provide a deeper clean than your basic cleaning service. You know SERVPRO as a leader in Fire and Water Cleanup and Restoration, but our professional cleaning services can also make a dirty carpet "Like it never even happened."

The first SERVPRO was opened in 1967 as a painting business in Sacramento, California by Ted and Doris Isaacson. With a background in cleaning and restoration, however, Ted and Doris soon transformed the company into a franchisor of cleanup and restoration specialists.

After selling its first Franchise in 1969, SERVPRO continued to grow, acquiring its 175 Franchises in 1979. More than 1,700 Franchises are operating nationwide, and SERVPRO continues to grow. With a proud history, a successful present and a bright future, SERVPRO has become a leader in cleaning and restoration. Since each SERVPRO is independently owned and operated, customers get the professionalism of an international franchise with the intimacy of a local company.

SERVPRO of Alhambra was started in March of 2014. Whether you are dealing with extensive water damage or just getting your property cleaned, we will treat each job with the same urgency and scrutiny. SERVPRO of Alhambra monitors and documents the process to verify your property is taken care of properly and thoroughly. We will even do our best to make sure the entire process with your insurance company is a stress free claims process. You can trust SERVPRO of Alhambra to respond promptly in your time of need and get the job done as efficiently as possible.

SERVPRO Commercial Services

7/21/2017 (Permalink)

Commercial Services

Every commercial property experiences wear and tear, including dirt and grime that accumulates from ordinary use. You can count on SERVPRO of Alhambra to make your workspace look its very best. Professional cleaning helps to protect your carpet and upholstery and increase its life-span.  You don’t have time to worry about the common wear and tear that gradually soils your office. When grime, odor, and moisture challenges go beyond the scope of your regular janitorial staff, you should call SERVPRO of Alhambra for prompt service. Whether it’s removing an odor problem or deep cleaning flooring or carpets, you can rely on us to make your workspace look its very best.

When it comes to your commercial property, we mean business. You need a company that can minimize the disruption to your clients while delivering superior results. Whether you need professional cleaning to make your business shine, or emergency water restoration services, SERVPRO of Alhambra has the training and expertise to help make it “Like it never even happened.”

SERVPRO of Alhambra offer cleaning services ranging from cleaning restaurant hoods to removing biohazard contaminants. We have the specialized training and products to get your property back to business. Our cleaning services include the following:


  • Apartment Building
  • Small Office Building
  • Large Office/High-Rise Office Buildings
  • High-Rise Residential
  • Apartment Buildings
  • Restaurants
  • Hotel/Motels
  • Small Retail Stores
  • Large Retail/Big-Box Stores
  • Manufacturing & Industrial


  • Air Ducts and HVAC
  • Biohazard and Sewage
  • Trauma and Crime Scene
  • Carpet and Upholstery
  • Drapes and Blinds
  • Ceilings, Walls, and Hard Floors
  • Odor Removal and Deodorization
  • Vandalism

Have Any Questions? Call Today – (626) 283-5875.

Fourth of July Safety Tips

7/21/2017 (Permalink)

Fourth of July is arguably the best part of summer. An entire day off work filled with barbecues, fireworks, and a trip to the local park or beach? What more could we possibly ask for. Having fun is great but it’s also important to remember to stay safe.

Have a great day celebrating our beautiful country but remember these useful Firework and Grilling safety tips:


  • Always follow the instructions on the packaging.
  • Never give fireworks to small children.
  • Keep a bucket of water or a hose nearby.
  • Light only one firework at a time and never attempt to relight "a dud."
  • Never carry fireworks in your pockets.
  • Store fireworks in a cool, dry place away from children and pets.
  • Never throw or point a firework toward people, animals, vehicles, or structures.
  • Use fireworks outdoors only.
  • Keep a safe distance.


  • Always watch over a barbecue grill when in use.
  • Never grill in any enclosed area like in your house, camper or tent.
  • Make sure everyone, including the pets, don’t get too close to the grill.
  • Keep the grill out in the open and away from anything that could catch fire.
  • Use the long-handled tools made for cooking to avoid burns.
  • Never add charcoal starter fluid when coals have already been ignited.

The safest way to enjoy fireworks is to attend a public fireworks show put on by professionals. This way you can relax and not worry about getting hurt or lighting things on fire. Fireworks should always be treated with a lot of care and caution. Every year people in this country are accidentally injured while using fireworks and grills. Follow precautions to make sure you and your family stay out of the ER this summer. SERVPRO of Alhambra wishes you a Happy Fourth of July filled with delicious foods and loved ones!

For more information and tips, visit The Red Cross at http://www.redcross.org.

How to Deal with Storms & Prevent Flooding

5/30/2017 (Permalink)

Global warming has changed the climate as we know it and brought much needed rain to our dry state. What seemed like a blessing for a state that has been in a drought for so long may be a curse to those who are not prepared.  Living in sunny southern California, many of us are not ready to deal with all the rain we have been getting. SERVPRO of Alhambra is here to provide you with some tips to make all this rain a little more bearable.

In big cities like Los Angeles, intense storms tend to block up the city’s drainage system. It becomes overwhelmed and flooding will occur. As in most emergencies, the first thing to do is to call 911 in case of any life threatening emergencies. Do not attempt to drive through standing water. Water will stall your car so if your car stops, abandon it and move to dry or higher ground. If you are in an office or home that's in danger of flooding, it is important to unplug all electrical appliances and turn off the gas line. Remember to stay aware from any electrical wires and fallen power lines.

In order to prevent the likelihood of floods, do your best to help keep the storm drains clear of trash and debris. Leave or plant vegetation on areas that slope to slow runoff and prevent erosion. It’s also important to remember to keep your home’s gutters and downspouts clean. Sandbags are great to have handy to prevent outside water from coming into your house. Last but not least, keep an emergency kit and list of emergency numbers just in case anything does happen.

If you follow these simple tips, you’ll definitely reduce the chance of a flood in your neighborhood or home. But hey accidents happen right? If they do, call us here at SERVPRO of Alhambra and we’ll be there to help.

Riverside Plane Crash

5/24/2017 (Permalink)

In February 2017, a tragic accident occurred in Riverside County just east of Los Angeles. Five San Jose natives were on board a twin-engine Cessna 310, when the plane suddenly clipped one home, crashed into another, and the fire engulfed a third home. Two nearby homes were also damaged by the effects of the fire. No one in any of the residences were injured.

Three of the people on board the plane including the pilot died as a result of the horrible accident. Two people were severely injured and taken to Arrowhead Regional Medical Center in Colton. One of the victims suffered third-degree burns over 90 percent of her body and has succumb to complications of these extensive burns. Doctors had to amputate her legs, she had remained on a ventilator and feeding tube to breathe and eat. Ensuing almost a month of surgeries and complications, the family has made the decision to take her off life support. The other victim, who is now the sole survivor of the crash, has been transferred to a different hospital and is slowly recovering.

The members on the plane had come from San Jose to Southern California to watch their daughters compete in a cheerleading competition. The young girl's got home safely on a school-chartered bus.

The cause of the crash is still under investigation by Riverside County Police. They are looking at environmental factors, pilot’s experience, flight records and the overall condition of the plane. The destroyed homes have been red tagged and the other homes have exterior, smoke and fire damage. SERVPRO of Alhambra was asked to help inspect one of the properties at the loss site to identifying the safety issues and pretesting for restorability. 

Our deepest condolences and prayers go out to the families of the victims. A GoFundMe page has been established by a family friend to help raise money for the medical bills, travel expenses and funerals. 

Three Categories of Water Damage

5/24/2017 (Permalink)

Water damage can be a scary thing if you don't know what you’re dealing with. Before you stress and freak out, here are some facts to help you determine how bad the water damage actually is.


Category 1 - “Clean Water”

Clean water comes from a source that does not serve as a potential threat. It will come from a clean and sanitary source such as faucets, sinks, bathtubs, toilets or any broken water supply lines. However if you ignore the water, it will not stay clean since it comes into contact with other surfaces or materials.


Category 2 - “ Grey Water”

Grey Water is a source of water that contains a significant degree of either chemical, biological or physical contaminants. It can cause discomfort and illness when you consume it or sometimes if you’re just exposed to it. It carries unsafe levels of microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi and algae. This includes water from dishwashers, washing machines, sump pumps, toilet bowls (that doesn’t contain any feces), and flush sink drains.


Category 3 - “Black Water”

Black water comes from a source of water that is unsanitary. It contains unsanitary agents that can cause severe discomfort and sickness. It is any outside water that has now affected the indoor environment. Sources can range sea water, rivers and streams to sewage and groundwater. Any toilet back flow regardless of color and overflow with feces is categorized as black water.

Time and temperature can affect the quality of water, thereby changing its category. Any stagnant water can harbor bacteria. So if you ever experience water damage, don’t hesitate to call SERVPRO of Alhambra to help with your water extraction and/or dehumidification.


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